Chapter 9

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Dicks POV:
Batman and I were on a way to a warehouse. We got word that Poison Ivy and Penguin had kidnapped somebody. So we headed off into the night.

When we got there we stayed at the window looking in and I saw a boy about 12 years old with messy black hair and blood flowing out of the cuts that his body had. I wanted to puke. He had scars that looked like they were years old. Lashes, cuts, and brands. I was angry that anybody could do this to a kid. I could tell that Bruce felt angry too.

We crashed through the window and Bruce knocked both Poison Ivy and Penguin out quickly. I stayed behind because that's what Bruce had told me to do. Bruce went up to the kid and when he looked up I gasped mentally. It was Percy, my best friend, and the one who healed me when I was Robin. His beautiful sea green eyes were shining with laughter as he talked with Batman. I saw him show Batman his freed hands and saw him fall down coughing up blood. I wanted to kill both Penguin and Ivy, Percy didn't deserve any of this. When Percy has fallen to the ground, he had actually fallen on top of a knife. I wanted to scream at him to heal himself, but then I remembered that he didn't want anyone to know. So I stayed quiet even though it hurt me.

I watched as Bruce got out a needle and stuck it into Percy's neck. I winced. "Let's go," was all Batman said. And I followed.
Line break
We were in the BatCave and Percy was lying on a table with his hands in handcuffs. I didn't like it, but Bruce said it was necessary. I got closer to Percy and I put my hand over his, clutching it hoping he would be alright. I heard Bruce coming so I let go of his hand and stepped back. "Isn't this your friend." Bruce stated, "The one who came over for dinner." I just nodded and waited for him to continue.

"Why would both Penguin and Ivy come after him?" He asked me. I shrugged, "I don't know," 

"Well, we'll find out in a minute." I just stayed quiet waiting for Percy to wait up. Go change and when you come back you can listen in on the interrogation." I left the room and got changed when I got back Percy had just woken up and Bruce was asking him questions.

Percy's POV:
I woke up in a white room. "Cliche much," I muttered out loud. At that moment a dragon came in an—. Yeah no. Batman came in and I said, "Hiya Batsy, long time no see." I paused, "Did ya miss me?" I gave him a shit eating grin and he looked like he wanted to strangle me.

"Percy Jackson." He stated. "There is no record anywhere of a Percy Jackson," he continued, "Whats your real name." He demanded. He crossed his arms and I said, "I'll tell ya, but only if you tell me your identity under that cowl." I grinned. He grit his teeth.

"Alright, Alright, I'll  tell ya," I stopped for a moment, "but first you gotta let me clean up." I motioned towards my clothes and body. "I'm sill bleeding out if you hadn't noticed."  He led me to a nice bathroom and I poured water on my cuts. From there they healed and soon I was feeling better. I summoned some blood-less clothes and I walked out with a grin on my face.

Batman narrowed his eyes as he looked at my perfect state and new clothes. I sat down and put my feet up on the table. "So Whats up, Batsy?"

"Your real name." He demanded. I gave a groan and said, "Perseus Jackson, but you won't find records of me anywhere," I said, "it's useless, but go ahead and try." I relaxed and he tended while saying, "Why not?"

"I think you suspected this, but whatever. I'm from a different dimension." I waited for him to say something. And sure enough he did, "When did you get here?"
"3 years ago."

"How did you get here?"

"No clue, all I know is that some of my friends were trying out spells and a portal opened up and it pulled me in. Next thing I know, boom, I'm in Gotham. Not the nicest city by the way."

"Why did they Ivy and Penguin kidnap you?"

"They wanted the Shadow King." He straightened up and watched me intently.

"You're saying that you're the Shadow King?" He waited for my response.

"That's what they call me, me I'm not so fond of the name." He strode towards me while saying, "Perseus Jackson, you're under arrest—

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Why am I under arrest?" I demanded.

"For charges of murder—

"I haven't killed anyone," I said defensively.

"Then what happened to the missing kids? And what about the people that you've hurt." He waited for my answer.

"First of all, those kids are safe and sound. Their parent were abusive and they wanted out, so they stay with me. They're all alive and have been staying with me for the past 3 years because they wanted to. As for the people that I hurt, well they were coming after my family, the kids that I've helped." I coldly stated

He paused for a moment, "I thought you said you didn't have any family?"

How the Hades did he know that unless, no— it would make sense though. All those time that Dick showed up injured. "Oh my Gods, you're Bruce Wayne and if you're Batman then Dick is Robin." I shouted.

Batman, no, Bruce scowled before I started again, "Holy Hera, Bruce Wayne is Batman." I started laughing. "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha."

"I can't believe nobody's figured it out yet, wow." I smiled widely and watched as Batman looked like he was deciding on what to do with me. It was hilarious.

"The question is, what are you gonna do with me now, Bruce Wayne or should I call you, Batman?"

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