Chapter 7

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Percy's POV:
It's been 1 month since I met Dick and he's great. He's funny, kind, smart, and tough. I actually have a friend who I don't have to take care of.

Dicks POV:
It's been 1 month since I met Percy and 2 months since my parents died. After Percy gave me that talk, I went to to the Wayne Manor and was about to give Bruce a piece of my mind when I found the BatCave. It's been a few weeks since I've been Robin and I've been meeting with Percy a lot these days. He's funny, kind, smart, and he cares about me. Not Richard Wayne. He's also very handsome. When I looked at his eyes for the first time, I felt like I was staring at the sea and I loved it. And his hair it was perfectly messy. He also understood pain and he didn't need to say anything to make me feel better, he made me feel better just by being near. I've never been to his house and he's never been to mine. But he's still my best friend.
Time skip 3 years
Percy's POV:
It's been 3 years since I've been in this dimension and it's been 3 years since I've been friends with Dick. It's also been three years since Robin showed up in the city. I've been managing being at home with my family and hanging out with Dick. I'm supposed to meet his adoptive father tonight at dinner and I've never met Dicks adoptive father and I really don't want to. Most adults don't like me.
Time skip 2 hours
I was on my way to the dinner when 3 guys jumped out of the shadows. I groaned, "Really Guys, can't you just jump me another night. I mean I'm on my way t—
The one on my right tried to kick my legs from underneath me, but I jumped to the side getting hit the one on my lefts hand. I sighed and said, "I really didn't want to do this tonight. I'm sorry guys, but I don't have the time to get jumped right now." Two Of then came at me with a knife and I took them both out. Then very quickly I stabbed the last one in a safe area. I turned to leave when I heard the whooping of 2 capes and I knew that Batman and Robin we're behind me. "Really guys, really. You come now, but not when I'm almost dying." I shake my dead them not caring that Batman is glaring at me. "Here," I shove all three guys towards them. "Here, do whatever you want with them." I hear Robin whisper something, but I ignore it. "I'm very busy okay, I have a very important dinner with my friend and I don't want to be late."
"Hold on," Batman growls, "How did you take them all out?"

I look at him and say, "Its Gotham, plus they're not that good." I turn and walk away and Robin yells, "Who are you?"

"It's not important who I am," I called back. "Thanks for trying to help, but it wasn't necessary." I head towards the address that Dick gave me.
Line break
When I get to the address I come across a huge manor. It's like one of those houses that is probably filled with breakable stuff. I gulp and knock on the door. A man opens it and his blue eyes narrow for a bit before saying, "I'm Bruce Wayne. And you are?"

"I'm Percy Jackson."

Line break
The dinner went fairly okay except for the fact that Robin kept on exchanging glances with Bruce. I feel like there is something more to them both. "Where are your parents?" Bruce asks after going into the kitchen with Dick.

"Moms dead, Dads lost at sea." I state bluntly. I give them the same reason that I give everybody else. I try to act like I'm not too bothered by it, but the pain of losing my mom, it still hurts.
"I'm sor—,

"it's okay," I interrupt, "I'm used to it."

"So Who do you live with?" Robin straightens up at this. I never told him any of this. "Alone."

"That's not legal," he starts to say and I stand up, "Thanks for dinner, but I should be getting back." I start to walk towards the door when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Dick. "I'm sorry, I didn't know about your parents— he starts.

"I didn't want you to know, it's okay Dick." I smile softly at him and I squeeze his hand.
Line break
After the events of tonight, I decide to take a shortcut through the alleys. I was almost home when 4 guys started to walk towards me. I groaned, "Not again." I got my knife out, ready to fight, but before that happened, a whooshing sound and a bright cape appeared. "Two times in one night," I drawled towards him. "One might think that you're stalking me." His cheeks go pink before he straightens up to say, "I'm Robin and these are criminals, do the math."

"Oh please, be my guest," I step aside, ready to watch the fight. He walks a few steps before he starts punching and taking them out. It's not like the Ares kids back at camp. It's graceful, like a dance. I hear a crack and he groans. I straighten up and watch as Robin tries to take them out. I walk and stab the last guy with my knife and then I lead Robin over to the side. "Crap, crap, crap," he starts muttering. "Batman's never gonna trust me again."

I watch as he starts limping away before I call out, "I can heal you." That stops him. "That's one of my powers." He turns around and asks, "You have powers." He states and I nod shyly. "You can heal my ankle?" I shake my head, "Didn't I just say that. Now do you want me to or not?" He nods so I walk over. I push him gently on an old crate before holding his left ankle and saying, "Just relax," he looks at me and continues looking only to turn away when that familiar glow start at his ankle. He stares at in awe and as quickly as it starts, it ends. When he stands up he looks up at me to smile. "Thanks,"

"Just don't tell anyone, I don't want to be hunted down." I plead. He nods and when I turn around he's gone.

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