Chapter 3 - Jace

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Chapter 3 - Jace

“Alright, we know you're the number one champion in the world, but we got to test how masterful you are towards each element.” Iain explained. “Now despite how well you've done against the other powers we gave you, we'd give you Celina’s powers but her hero ability is unstable so we'll see how you handle Ashlee’s.”

Ashlee gently punched him, one of Kite's eyes flashed red, the other flashed blue 

“Ok, Just do whatever comes to mind.” Noah assured. 

She bit her lip. Noah was really counting on this latest hero to be, well the hero.

With ease, Kite had a bright blue ball of fire in his hands. With extreme accuracy, he hit the target and burned it to ash. 

Noah took notes as I drew a picture of fluffy pancakes. 

“He's good for fire. Let's try Ice, Zayn you're up.” Noah yelled. 

Zayn high fived the new students and both his eyes turned frosty blue. We pulled out Carnie who was wearing a large and baggy fur coat that weighed more than him. Carnie gave the thumbs up and Kite turned him from the chest down to a ice statue. Then by accident, Carnie was buried under a small pile of snow

“You alright Carnie?” Iain asked, starting to unbury Carnie. 

Carnie's hands were blue and shaking but he gave a thumbs up. 

“Ok, we're done for today. Ash, Ashlee, defrost him so we can go. We still got to show Jeanne that Ran's alive, I want to get a drink but before that, since we had no time to interview the pledges, Aenar auto placed them this year and he wants us to meet them before we go get a drink from Witch Doctor's.” Noah explained. 

I rolled my eyes. “I hate pledges, their so annoying and they act like their high on sugar all the time and bug us all the time. Can't the other dorms take them?”

“They're full of pledges too. Now let's go see our new victims this year.” Noah smiled. We headed back to the dorm. I bored out of my mind so I grabbed 12 dozen pancakes from the fridge. 

“Hi, I'm Eliza…” The girl paused to think. “Shatterson. Eliza Shatterson, but call me Lizzie, everyone does.”

Lizzie smiled. Most of the boys dropped their jaws, all except for Zayn and Evans. She had platinum blonde hair that put Nikki's to shame, large breasts, thick black glasses, milky skin and wore a Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World shirt and a had a pleated skirt. 

Danny licked his hand and pulled back his bangs. “Why hello, I'm Danny.”

Ash pushed him out of the way. “Ash Kurenai, the future king of Isla Vulcan and the Phoenixian armies, with luck, I'll have queen too.”

Iain pushed Ash into Danny, who fell on the floor. “Move over, you guys had your chance you squids. Ignore them, their stupid. I'm Iain MacLeod.”

“Oh, I know all your names. You guys were in Seoul about a week ago right?” Lizzie assured them. Her eyes widen when she spotted Ran. She squeezed the life out of him. “Oh a shifter, he's so cute. I want one so bad!”

Ran was squirming a bit. “Help me.”

“Pfft, they always go for the shifters.” Ash muttered, unaware he's crushing Danny. 

We saw more pledges, like Charlize Cruz, an Sirenian and a Phoenixian hybrid girl from Spain. 

We also met Trent Ortega, an American steel Elemental and a gaming fan. 

Melody Kwon, a Korean elemental with the gift of sound magic.

Jenny Mason, Courtney Mason’s younger sister, also a Sirenian. 

And of course Colin Crabgrass, a Nature and Sirenian Hybrid from Australia. 

We managed to convince Lizzie Shatterson to let go of Ran, and unfortunately invited all our pledges to Witch Doctor's. Even more unfortunately, Witch Doctor’s front door was closed and the windows were boarded up. 

“That's weird, Jeannette never closes the bar.” Bianca stated.

“Maybe she took a sick day.” Carnie implied. 

“Even so, she'd pay someone to watch the bar.” Iain pointed out. 

I looked around. “It's quiet… too quiet.”

Iain sniffed. “And it's sober, too sober.”

Lizzie took a few steps after looking up at the roof. Suddenly, we hear someone shouting. It was a girl. 

“I don't care if Ice Storm or Shadow is at the front door. You're not looting this bar!” The girl declared.

Suddenly, guns were pointed at us. And they shot at us. I would have survived the barrage of bullets but the others wouldn't. Fortunately for them, they weren't real bullets, they were fucking paintballs. 

“Jeanne, it's us!” Iain screamed while being pelted with paint. 

“We're not looting the bar! We just want to talk!” Noah shouted in pain.

Jeannette opened the door. “Hold your fire, false alarm!”

The guns stopped firing. We sighed in relief. 

“What are you kids doing here? All the shops, bars and stores are being looted, ever since Ice Storm and Shadow arrived at the front door.” Jeanne explained. 

“If that's the case then why are you still here?” Nikki asked. 

“Over my dead body is some damn looters taking my stock, not to mention, I'm taking in people who got nowhere to go if and when the barrier goes down. Now get in before you catch cold.” Jeanne commented. 

We got in and sat down. There was some barflies drinking away and some homeless crouched up in the corners, some of them kids. 

We were then greeted by Aldo and Cast, dressed in camouflage and holding the paintballs.

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