Chapter 4 - Kite

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Chapter 4 - Kite

Not really sure how to start this audio diary off, Aenar said this was to share my inner thoughts with the world. 

I don't know how else to start off so I'll start off with the obvious question probably buzzing through your minds. 

There's been a war going on for almost 20 years, where were you? 

I think to best answer that, I have to explain a bit of my past. 

My mother was exceptionally ordinary. 

My sister was exceptionally ordinary. 

I was exceptionally extraordinary. 

I never knew my father, but I did know that whatever made me like this, I had inherited it from him. All mom spoke of him was that he was a Japanese man who loved and cared for Dragons. 

Most Elementals are born monomorphic, meaning their born with whatever powers they'll have. 

Not me, I was born as a polymorphic elemental thanks to my hero ability. My body couldn't decide what element, so in a way, I got all of them. 

Because of my hero ability, my mother lost the ability to use her powers and became a shell, so did my younger half sister. 

You'd think I'd grow up knowing I was born with that kind of power? To those who did, to that I say, Ha! 

I didn't find out until I was 12. I was to be sent to the academy a week from then. I could have saved the world like the other heroes. 

But no, I found out that week. I was in the one of the Korean colonies when the incident happened. I was shopping for clothes when these pure elementals ganged on my sister. 

It didn't end well for them or me. I had broken my wrist but they were in the hospital for weeks. The doctor explained that I had power replication, I was the world's second polymorph. I could switch my powers instantly. 

I was so happy when I found out. My mother wasn't. She had ripped up my academy papers and got me private tutors. 

For the moment she knew what I was, I wasn't her son, I was a weapon to her. A ticking time bomb. Every time I used my power, another bamboo staff lashed against my back. 

She insisted that I act as if I had no powers, if I were as unable to use them as she did. She had a sadness in her eyes every time she told me that. I reminded her too much of my father. 

She insisted I say hidden so the clans couldn't find me like they found my father. I couldn't take the idea of not having a power, so I snuck out and when into town. I touched an ice elemental and went back home and turned her into a ice statue. She wasn't dead but I needed time at the very least. 

I began doing tournaments, having settled on using only power, poison. I rose to the top until I was at the top. 

Many people today hate me cause if I knew a war was going on, why didn't I help? Despite all her beatings, my mother was right. I was a weapon that could be easily used. 

Hopefully that cleared things up, now back to where we left off. 

“Um, any reason why you two are dressed in camouflage and.. Well shot us with paintballs?” Iain asked, cleaning the paint off his leather with a wet rag. 

“Oh that,” Cast started. “Jeannette is just hired us so she's training us for shoot any bastards that try to loot the bar.”

“Their also getting a salary raise, there was like 20 of you right? 19 out of 20 on your first try. Not bad.” Jeannette smiled. 

“Aren't you even worried about Ice Storm or Shadow busting in through that door Jeans? Not even for a moment?” Jace questioned. 

Jeannette tsked. “ I have a very impressive arsenal of guns dating back to the Tri-Elemental War. Alec can send as many of his forces throughout the city, but he's not getting this bar.”

“Suit yourself Jeannette, just let us know if you need backup, we’ll come running.” Noah responded. 

“Hey where's our Golden Girl Zoey? I haven't seen her since Beijing.” Aldo commented. 

Iain looked down, chugged a bit of Scotch then responded. “Zoey is fine, I think. She said that her powers are getting worse and worse for her, that pretty soon she could wear the thickest gloves, and they wouldn't stop her from turning something to gold. She went to go find someone who said they help her out, then the whole Ice Storm thing happened. Now I think she's stuck outside the barrier.”

“I'm sure she'll be fine. The girl can turn anything into gold, the witch can handle just about anything.” Jace assured him. 

“So…” Iain changed the subject. “How are you and Cast doing now you too are official?”

“Great actually, we've upgraded from our usual smoothie & movie dates to other things that I can't say in front of the kid.” Aldwin pointed at Ran. It's hard to forget, he may look like a 18 year old but he's only a six year old. A six year old happily enjoying his virgin piña colada. 

As Aldo and Iain kept chatting away, I felt rude for not ordering anything so I glanced at the menu. These were meant for monomorphic Elementals so I didn't know what to pick. I ultimately chose this drink called River of Time. 

To this day, I regret choosing this drink. Mom, Aenar, If your listening to this, I apologize for succumbing so easily to the weakness of alcohol. 

I was warned not to drink it so fast, that my mind wouldn't be able to catch up with my body if I drank it fast. I didn't listen. 

I chugged it and passed out almost immediately. What I saw would shock me.

I was dreaming and I saw Alec, Eldingar and a cloaked woman in white, they were on the other side of the barrier. 

“Honestly Alec, there are plenty of loyal soldiers in your army. Out of all loyal supporters, why this one?” The woman asked. 

Alec tsked. “I understand why you would think that, but none is more loyal, more deserving than her.” 

“How fitting, the moment my forces break down that barrier those hypocrites will finally pay for their crimes, by a hybrid no less.” Eldingar commented. 

Alec looked over to the clan leader. “Eldingar, Shadow and Ice Storm have been mortal enemies since the Tri-Elemental War, why help me? Do you really want Acruxia that badly?”

Eldingar was silent but then he suddenly spoke. “Ice Storm could care less about territory, you can have it all. Thousands of hybrids, discriminated, abused, and for what? So a few Pure Elementals can look down on them as black sheep? No, I’m here to ensure that hybrids, shifters and all the rest get the justice they deserve.”

They stopped walking as a girl approached them. Golden statues of people surrounded them. 

 It was Zoey, instead of being all gold, she was dressed mostly in black with flecks of gold. Her black gloves were turned to gold, even the around the glove edges, parts of her arms and neck were gold. She looked deprived of any emotion, she even had bits of gray hair on her golden hair. 

“I hope you understand what this means Zoey, after this… there is no turning back.” Alec admitted, almost startled by Zoey's appearance. 

Zoey smiled. “I do Lord Alec.”

“Element City will fall, God knows how many will die after this. If you do this, you must do whatever I say, when I say it. If I ask something of you, you do it without question. Do you understand?” Alec commanded. 

“Yes, I do. So long as you do what I’ve ask in exchange.” Zoey responded. 

“You have my word, my apprentice.”

Suddenly, I woke up. I was in the school infirmary, with someone other than Rakesh. It was Nymph Sparks, Ran's adoptive mom. She dabbed a wet rag on my forehead. 

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