Chapter 20 - Noah

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Chapter 20 - Noah

I winced in pain. Suddenly my hand was bleeding. He hadn't tightened his grip or pierced his nails against my wrist. 

No, he used his shadow to cut my wrist. 

Alec wasn't a madman. 

Alec wasn't a villain

He was the radical hero. Capable of anything. He convinced 11 other strangers he was sane. 

I managed to free my wrist but I screamed as he grabbed my waist. 

“Let her go Alec!” Jace snarled. 

“Ah the boyfriend…” Alec rolled his eyes. He moved his left hand tighter against my stomach. 

“I consider myself more as a Hero-Killing long term booty call!” Jace declared. 

Alec whispered in my ear. “J4C3 is just a thing. It's not capable of real love. I'll set you free.”

He let go and began to fight Jace. You'd think that Jace gave him a long merciless whooping to that psychopath. You'd think Alec would pay for his crimes and everything would be perfect and we'd all live happily ever. 

But that's not how the story goes. 

There was a merciless whooping but not given by Jace but towards Jace. 

It was painful to watch. Even with his instant healing, he was losing. 

Of course Iain and Imogen tried to help. He did make Alec bleed but then went Iain's broken rib and Imogen's crushed arm. 

Nikki put up a good fight but she shattered her shoulder. 

Then came Zoey. 

“Sorry it had to came to this, you were an excellent student.” Alec admitted. 

Alec pulled out his katana and slashed away but he didn't kill Zoey. 

“Morphie?” Zoey questioned.

“Zoey…” Morpheus coughed. “I see them. Midas, Icarus, Artemisia… They're calling me.”

“Morpheus. No, I can save you, we can still fix this?!?” Zoey sobbed. 

“Don't bother, look at this way. Now I can sleep forever.” Morpheus coughed a smile. 

Zoey held him in her arms as the wizard died in them. 

I gulped and through about what Elissa once told me. 

_”You're not the hero who dies at the end of the prophecy but rather the cause. So I'm giving you his sword.”_

_”What price will I have to pay for it? What do you want?”_

_”The price you will have to pay is high enough. I could put you through literal hell and that wouldn't compare to the price you will pay when you use it.”_

Alec laughed and turned to me. “Now you have a choice, you can get hurt really bad and die at my hands like your friends. Or you could join me.”

“With that in mind, I have but one thing to say.” I admitted. I pulled out the sword Elissa gave me and bolted. 

Alec tsked. “Such a shame.”

Alec chased me down the broken mirror hallway. 

“Get away!” I yelled. 

Alec appeared in front of me. “You don't want do this, trust me.”

I slashed at him. He shadow dashed away and I missed, breaking the mirror even more.

“I have a question for you. You kill my friends, you take over the capitals, then what? The heroes you killed, they won't magically come back to life! Your girlfriend won't magically accept what you've done, even if you bring her back. And your hair, won't magically come back… into fashion.” I groaned. Was he trying to tire me out, cause it was working. 

It was impossible. I squeaked he had me pinned to the wall. He had me cornered. I shuddered as he came to my ear. 

“But I will have done it, for her. I don't want to bring her back into this messed up world, she deserves to rest wherever she is.” Alec explained, playing with my hair. “Enough of this, I always get what I want in the end and what I want is you. You don't really have a choice in the matter.” 

I managed to run back, dragged Iain, and Jace into a closet. It was a large closet. 

“Hiding in the closet? What a true lesbian role model. Open the door, we're not done playing yet.” Alec smirked. 

I covered my ears. “Iain what do I do? He's a maniac and we can't beat him.”

“Noah, we have to do what we talked about. There's no other way.” Iain explained.

“No… I can't. Please, I can't.” I sobbed.

“People are going to die, including us if you don't do this. We have no choice.” Iain shook me, winching in pain in the process. 

I wiped my tears and looked to Jace. 

He was in serious pain. Alec really did a number on him. I held him in my arms. 

“Jace, I know I love you right?” I asked. 

Jace nodded. “Yes, I do.” 

“I'm going to have to hurt you, really bad Jace. But it'll hurt Alec too. I don't want to but it's the only way.” I admitted. 

“Then you have to do it Noah. If we're gonna win against him. Can I have one last kiss then?”

I nodded and gently smacked my lips against his. I gently began to play with his shirt when I stabbed him. 

Alec managed to finally open the door but it was too late. He was dying. 

“What - What did you do?” Alec groaned in confusion. 

“I cut off your link to Jace and killing you both.” I explained.

“You still need me, you know how the world treats hybrids. I need to finish what I started.” Alec gasped. 

“But you're already done. Say hi to Luna for me.” I admitted. 

Both Alec and Jace had died, I fell to my knees. It was over and Jace was died. 


Alec walked down the path of light in a tuxedo. He saw a smiling blonde girl on the way. 

“I'm sorry Luna, I tried.” Alec sighed. 

“I know you did, cause of that it took a lot of convincing to get you here.” 

“I really missed you Luna.” Alec admitted.

“I know, I missed you more. What took you so long?” Luna questioned. 

Both of them held hands and walked down the path of light towards a golden gate.

“Kind of a long story.” I sighed. 

“I'm sure the others and I will be glad to hear it.” Luna smiled. 

Alec and Luna walked further down the path of light, the golden gate closing behind them. Alec is placed at a table with Kaito, Declan, Mackenzie, Stormie and all the other heroes. 

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