Chapter 16 - Imogen

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Chapter 16: Imogen

Finally after listening to Spark, Trey and my soul mate Celina have all these chapters.

Let's get something out of the way. I am not the lesbian damsel in distress that needs my lycan brother to save me. As far as I am concerned, I'm the number three champion. Had it not been for Kite, I wouldn't have been the highest ranking Evangeline at the time.

You'd think your mother would be happy enough that two of her three children were in the top ten champions lists with one of them being in the top three.

All I got was a slap to the face. Literally, the minute I heard the news I got slapped.

"You don't deserve to be at the top Imogen."

"How dare you be in the top three Imogen, how dare you be a bisexual, think of your brother, think of someone other than yourself."

Once I was a proud Evangeline. I was the first born daughter to the Amperor and the Electriss. Every single time I second of my life was planned to my mother's design. Trey would be the champion and I was to be the councilwoman for the Amperans.

I can't be the number one champion, that was Trey's job. I can't get married since council members can't either. The first real choice I can really say was mine was that time I tried to off myself.

In a way, I was giving up my freedom. For power, an even exchange.

Not to me. I rather have 30+ years of freedom then an eternity of power.

I know it's horrible thing to say but thank God my mother was dead. She left me a myriad of physical and emotion scars.

Now that I told you my depressing life story, back to where we left off.

I was running or more specifically teleporting with Bianca Deepstone.

"Any ideas as to how we find my second cousin?" Bianca tilted her head.

"No idea, but we gotta keep looking. I need to find her, I feel horrible without her by my side." I admitted.

I found an outlet on the hallway on the wall. I pressed my hand against it. All of the light bulbs blew up as I felt the electrical currents in the building. I sensed an electric cage with dragonstone I think.

I burned myself and pulled away. "I think I know where to go."

We kept teleporting closer and closer to the cage. That was until we got hit with a blast of water, burning my arm. I turned around and saw two of the members of the coven Jordan Neptunia and Morpheus along with a former member Venus Moone.

Unlike Morpheus, Jordan and Venus weren't hopped on drugs and overusing their magic.

"Your name is Jordan, am I right? Aren't you Evans sister, why are you do this to him?" Bianca demanded.

"This is for him. We're in the end game now. Witches need their rights, Alec will give us that. He promised he'd leave Evans alone if I did this." Jordan admitted.

I growled. "Bianca, go get Celina. I'll need her after this. This is a rematch I've been waiting for."

Bianca nodded and went ahead. Venus followed her on broomstick.

I pulled out an electric prod. Different from my usual electric whip but this wasn't a usual situation.

Jordan pulled out a pair of gloves that stores up water. "I underestimated you last time but that won't happen again."

My electric prod extended to the size of a bo staff. I charged it up and swung it at her rib cage. She did a cartwheel and punched my cheek. I had an electrical burn my on my cheek.

Oh giving me an electrical burn on the cheek, that's just low. I struck her in the shoulder.

"Ow! That hurt worse than Bianca Di Angelo's death." Jordan groaned.

"Bianca Di Angelo? You're a Percy Jackson fan?" I questioned.

"Yeah, Son of Neptune is the best in the series." Jordan smiled.

I frowned. "Excuse you, House of Hades is the best in the series."

We glared at each other and kept hitting each other and landing punches. That was until the unthinkable happened. Jordan was run over by a gigantic Cerberus. I'm pretty sure she survived that. Strangely enough, this one let Iain and Danny Michaelis ride it.

"Your both wrong, Mark of Athena is the superior novel." Iain declared.

"Iain!" I whined. "I was in the middle of this climatic rematch with Evans' half sister."

"We would have given you till the end of time if it would have helped but we have literally no time. We gotta go." Danny explained.

Morpheus yawned. "I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to let you run wild."

"Morpheus right? I'm sure your a nice guy but trust me, you don't want to work for Alec." Iain commented.

Morpheus rubbed his eyes. "I don't? Why not?"

"Well... think of it this way. Even if you win, everything will be destroyed so no beds and people will be so depressed and throw parties and do construction 24/7 and you never get any sleep." Iain explained.

Morpheus's eyes widen. "I change my mind, your side is better."

"Well hop on Fluffy and join the resistance." Danny smiled.

Morpheus and I hopped on Fluffy and rode towards the electric cage. That was what's left of it. It was golden and completely destroyed. The others were gone but one person was still here. Zoey Weaver.

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