Go As Far As You Can See; When You Get There, You'll Be Able To See Further.
This I agree with. Go as far as you can see, live your life in the present, and when you get there, when it's now the future, you'll be able to see further, future because present, then past.
Or, five seconds ago, is now the past, but it was the present, and the future.
Like you were at the bottom of a hill, and you can see the top but not much else, then you go to the top, and you can see for miles and miles around you. It's like that.
Quotes And Questions
No FicciónQuotes that are either inspirational or funny, but are amazing for when your day is down. Questions that you should ask yourself everyday when you wake up. A mix of both for when you need them. And an explanation as to why I chose them and what the...