Its time to just be happy.

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It's time to just be happy

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It's time to just be happy. Being angry, sad and overthinking isn't worth it anymore.
Just let things flow.
Be positive.

Right! Being negative just isn't worth it anymore, especially when you've been negative so much that it makes you tired!

I'm sick of being negative, sad, angry, judgmental, snarky, depressed, anything similar.

I'm just going to let things work like they're supposed to, and do my best to make it easier.

Why should I be those things when I'm trying to stop them? Why do I let myself feel that, when I promised myself I wouldn't?

I've been doing more things that make me happy recently, and I hope that will help with my attitude.

I would like you guys to call me out if I'm not though, it may not make me feel the best then and there, but I think everyone will feel better in the long run.

I'm trying to spend more time with my parents, and a few years ago when we spent time with each other much more, all of our attitudes were much better, so I'm hoping out get better now too.

I'm not sure who originally said this quote, but the only person I can find is a person on Twitter; Idillionaire. Of course, there's also an app called that, so I'm not sure.

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