Mark Bryan---Reyna

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A/N   Yes, this is the same Mark Bryan from the Jasper chapter. Reyna goes to the same school now, because why not. 

I winked at a girl as I passed her in the hallway. Her eyes widened in shock and she blushed. I wasn't interested in her, obviously. It was just fun to watch her swoon. There was one girl I was into, though. No, not Daphne! She's fine, but the real gem is Reyna Ramirez-Arellano. She's hot, athletic, and smart. Total score! I planned to ask her out to prom soon. I was sure that she would say yes.  There's no way she could reject me. I mean, I'm the captain of the football team. I practically have girls falling for me everywhere I go.

But Reyna's not like other girls. She's tougher, smarter, prettier, basically just better. It would take a lot more to seduce her. But it wasn't something I couldn't do. I was Mark Bryan, for God's sake! I found Reyna talking to the new girl, Piper. They were laughing about something. I sauntered up to her.

"Hey, Rey Rey," I said.

"What did you call me?" She growled. Her coffee brown eyes shone with fury, though her tone was scary calm. But, I ignored her statement.

"So," I said, "Wanna go to prom with me? I'll even throw in a date after."

"Excuse me?"

"Will. You. Go. To. Prom. With. Me?" I asked again, making sure to exaggerate each word.

"No," She stated simply.

"Great!" I beamed, "I'll pick you up at-wait, did you say no?"

"Yes, I said no! Are you deaf? Or are you to involved in your private fanfare in your head?"

"What do you mean no? I'm Mark Bryan! Most girls would kill to be in your place!"

"I'm quite aware of who you are, and I'm not 'most girls'" She replied calmly.

"You're going to prom with me, whether you like it or not," I growled as I moved closer to her.

"Try me," She growled back, her eyes blazing.

I moved in even closer, and tried to kiss her.

Big mistake.

She punched me in the face, and judo flipped me over her shoulder. Lunch had just started, and half of the grade walked in, just in time to watch me get humiliated. Reyna looked down at me, with not even a hint of regret on her face.

"Next time, think twice before you mess with me," She said before she swept out of the cafeteria regally, leaving me lying on the floor.

Time for Plan B, I thought, Piper McLean.

A/N was it? Was it bad? I didn't know what to write, but I just got this image in my head of Reyna judo flipping a guy who tried to kiss her, we are. Hope you enjoyed!

Bye for now! :)

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