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Wind Clan


                    Dawn'Star-Short haired white haired tom with ginger on all his paws including on the tip of his tail and all his ear. He has a soft amber gaze. Apprentice, Night'Paw.


                    One'Ear-Long haired muscular Birman tom with mostly a white pelt with a light brown on his face, he has soft blue eyes. One of his ears are deformed.

Medicine cat 

                    Cinder'Feather-Short haired and thin tom with a gray pelt, with small stripes on his pelt. He has a icy yellow gaze. Apprentice, Bright'Paw


                    White'Nose-A Black and white slim she-cat with a white nose and with a scar across her flank.

                    Running 'Pelt-A pale ginger she-cat with stunning green eyes. Apprentice, Bear'Paw

                    Gray'Heart-A pure gray tom with yellow eyes. Apprentice, Sleeping'Paw

                    Ice'Fur-A white and light gray she-cat with blue eyes.

                    Ash'Whisper-A Gray and black tom with yellow eyes. 

                    Speckle'Face-A pretty and thin calico she-cat with amber eyes.


                   Sleeping'Paw-A dark brown tom with a lean structure, pale yellow eyes.

                   Bright'Paw-A bright ginger she-cat with pale green eyes. Her under belly is a light ginger.

                   Bear'Paw-A dark brown tom with a muscular structure, with a soft amber gaze.

                   Night'Paw-A black she-cat with a white ear, chest, front right paw and back left leg. She has one blue eye and one yellow eye. (heterochromia)


                  Willow'Speck-A light brown and white she-cat with pale yellow eyes. Kits, Muddy'Kit.

                  Blizzard'Fern-A light gray she cat with a bit of silver around her muzzle with piercing icy eyes. Kits, Stick'Kit.

                  Lost'Dream-A gray navy blue she-cat with blue eyes. Kits, Blue'Kit, Storm'kit.


                  Storm'Eye-A frail gray tom with silver around his muzzle, with copper eyes. He has a scar along his tail.

                 Eagle'Claw-A slim gray tom with white and dark gray fur.

                 Holly'Scar-A light brown she cat with hazel eyes with a deep scar on her front paw.


               Muddy'Kit-A dark brown tom with green eyes.

               Storm'Kit-A light gray she-cat with a brown paw and blue eyes.

               Blue'kit-A white navy blue tom with blue eyes.

               Stick'Kit-A light brown tom with icy blue eyes.

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