Chapter 13

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  Night'Breeze woke up, she saw Dawn'Star carrying One'Ears body. She stood up and ran towards him, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. 'Is this a dream?' She thought with fear.  Bright'Wing soon appeared in the camp entrance, her face full of grief and sadness.

  She padded quickly towards her and brushed up against her, "What happened. . ?" Night'Breeze asked, her voice full of fear.

  "I couldn't save him. . .I couldn't save one of Dawn'Stars lives. . .I'm a failure of a medicine cat." Bright'Wing mewed quietly, her voice thick with emotions. She won't even look up out of shame.

  "Bright'Wing. . .Don't say that. . .You're the best medicine cat Wind Clan has ever seen." Night'Breeze mewed gently to her friend. Bright'Wing pads past her quickly and stare at One'Ears body, which was in the middle of camp.

  Cats emerged from their dens, soon their eyes were full of fear and sadness. They all gathered around Dawn'Star and One'Ears body. Night'Breeze could see Dawn'Star, he was sharing tongues with One'Ear. Another cat stepped forward to share tongues with One'Ear.

  The elders stared with sadness as they stared at One'Ear. The cats dispersed into their dens, or outside of the dens, sharing tongues as Night'Breeze saw the grief overcome them. Night'Breeze backed out of camp, unable to handle the grief that swept over the camp.

  Night'Breeze ran into the moors, looking around and pricking her ears around to find any prey. She soon smelled a rabbit, she pricked her ears in its direction, pin pointing where it could be. She made sure she was downwind and began creeping towards the unsuspecting rabbit.

  She went to pounce but missed, hitting the ground pretty hard with her front paws. The rabbit ran off into the undergrowth. She pricked her ears to see if the rabbit could still be caught. She felt disappointment overwhelm her.

  She noticed more leaves on the ground. The beautiful golden color of Leaf-Fall. She felt worry, Wind Clan is already struggling when prey should be at the highest point, but what will happen during the lowest? Not to mention, they had lost their deputy.

  Night'Breeze padded sneakily around the moor to not make any possible prey run off. She heard a mouse scuffling among the rocks and stones. She pounced over the rock it hid behind and scooped it up. Night'Breeze hit it onto the ground, killing it. She buried it under some dirt and padded off to find more prey.

  The moors smelled empty with no smell of prey. It was already sun high and Night'Breeze only caught a mouse. 'How much prey was Willow taking?' She thought with hostility. She padded to where she buried the mouse and dug it up. Night'Breeze picked it up and padded back to camp, she remembered all the grief in the camp from One'Ears death.

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  The fresh kill pile was almost empty, and One'Ears body was in the middle of the clearing. Night'Breeze stared at the fresh kill pile, then at Dawn'Stars den, 'Has he eaten yet?' She padded to Dawn'Stars den, she placed down the mouse and asked if she could come in. Dawn'Star didn't reply but a small shuffling noise coming from the den invited her in.

  Night'Breeze picked up the mouse and padded into the den. She placed the fresh kill in front of him. Dawn'Star stared at Night'Breeze, then at the piece of fresh kill. "Thank you." He meowed quietly. Night'Breeze dipped her head and backed out the den.

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