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  The medicine cat looked up at the stars, his heart hoping for a message of hope. His gray pelt shown as silver as a star flew past SilverPelt. His heart lurched as the message StarClan sent was received. He stood up, grooming himself to prepare to see his leader. 

  The medicine cat was determined not to leave this for morning, he will wake the leader and share this prophecy of the night. He began to pad quickly to the leaders den. StarClan kept him awake to hear this. But why not tell him through a dream? 'It doesn't matter, they've given my clan a sign after the seasons.' He thought as he continued to pad closer to the leaders den.

  Before the gray medicine cat could even step a paw into the leaders den, his head poked out of the lichen. The leaders ears were alert, but his eyes shone with hope. "Cinder'Feather?" The orange and white leader whispered to the medicine cat. 

  "StarClan has spoken to me at last, Dawn'Star." Cinder'Feather explained to Dawn'Star.

  Dawn'Star let Cinder'Feather inside of his den. The gray medicine cat sat in front of the leaders bedding. The leader soon sat in front of the medicine cat, dipping his head to him with respect.

  "It's certain we're in dark times, but StarClan has promised a way out. Right?" Dawn'Star asked with a hint of uncertainty. Cinder'Feather was shaken to his core. His leader has never lost sight of hope, even if it was a mask for his Clan.

  "There is no need to be lost in grief for the lost of prey and kits, Dawn'Star." The medicine cat paused, never before had he comforted a leader in his time serving his Clan. "StarClan promised a better time, a path of light will be led."

 "What is the exact prophecy?" The leader asked with his head looking out the lichen of his den. His amber eyes fixed on something that Cinder'Feather could not see. Was the leader looking at the stars as well?

 "Night will lead a path of light." Cinder'Feather recited the prophecy as it was told. Dawn'Star turned his gaze to the gray medicine cat.

  "Do you know what it means?" Dawn'Star asked with a sense of hope.

  "StarClan will reveal it over time, but for now we must wait. Wait for the savior they promised." Cinder'Feather meowed quietly to the leader. "You have a long day tomorrow, Ash'Paw is becoming an apprentice."

  "Thank you, Cinder'Feather." Dawn'Stars eyes shown hope as Cinder'Feather began to pad out of the leaders den.

  "Don't thank me. . .Thank StarClan, I am simply the messenger."

Book 1(Destiny of a Cat): Into a Clan COMPLETE!Where stories live. Discover now