Chapter 9

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  Cats appeared out from the undergrowth, growling at Night'Breeze and Spotted'Stripe. Night'Breeze was too slow to dodge and was hit in her side by the attacker, but luckily for Spotted'Stripe, he moved out the way just in time.

  Night'Breeze fell onto her side under the cats weight. She felt like she got the sense knocked out of her as her head spun, she thrashed and squirmed under the tom-cat. The tom-cat raised his paw, growling something Night'Breeze could barely hear, but the tom-cat was interrupted. Spotted'Stripe saved her just in time.

  Spotted'Stripe hissed at Night'Breeze's attacker and knocked them off of her. Night'Breeze quickly scrambled to her paws, the other cat was much bigger than the she-cat. The cat smelled like a mix of rogue and Kittypet.

  Shock ran through Night'Breezes expression, but quickly regained her focus. 'Its confirmed. . .Willows recruiting Kittypets. . .' She thought to herself. She readied her haunches to pounce. She got ready to dodge his next attack.

  The tom-cat was planning to ram into Night'Breeze, her eyes widened as she barely dodged in time, she wasn't expecting that, but she quickly retaliated as she saw the perfect opprotunity. 

  She sprang onto the tom-cats back and dug her claws into his back. The tom-cat yowled, "Get off me you demon!" He hissed as he began trying to roll around, attempting to squish Night'Breeze. She tried hoping off of him, but he crushed her tail, causing her to yelp. She kicked and clawed at him with her hind legs.

  The tom-cat turned and hissed. He soon ran off into the trees and undergrowth. Night'Breeze noticed how Willow Clan cats would run away after some damage, not how a true warrior would fight. She looked over at Spotted'Stripe, he was holding his own for a bit.

  Night'Breeze stepped in anyway, it was better to get this done quickly Night'Breeze rammed into the she-cat, knocking her off to the side. Spotted'Stripe smiled at Night'Breeze with a hint of confidence, though they both were wounded. 

  They both nodded at each other and began stepping closer to the she-cat in unison, slashing their claws at the she-cat.

  The she-cat hissed with her hackles raised and ran off into the undergrowth. Night'Breeze sighed with relief as the she-cats tail disappeared into the undergrowth. Spotted'Stripe purred with pride as he licked his paws, cleaning the blood off. "If those were Willows 'Strongest warriors' I'll be able to take on her whole clan!" He purred, "Especially with you by my side." He purred gently.

  "Of course with me by your side! Bet you couldn't have held up much longer without my help!" She purred in a humorous tone. Spotted'Stripe chuckled. Night'Breeze noticed a scratch on his chest, it was pretty deep. "Hey, your chest, it's bleeding." Night'Breeze points out.

  "Huh?" He looked down at his chest, noticing the blood. "Oh, I didn't notice it."

  "Guess that's another reason to get back to camp." She meowed as she began to walk in the direction of the camp. Spotted'Stripe followed. "Hey, Spotted'Stripe." She mewed.

  "Yeah?" He replied.

  "Do you. . .Believe in StarClan?" She mewed curiously. Spotted'Stripe directed his gaze at Night'Breeze

  "Should I?" He meowed. Night'Breeze glanced at him, then looked in front of her again.

  "I personally believe, I saw StarClan cats myself with my own two eyes. . ." She meowed as she continued to pad through the undergrowth. Spotted'Stripe shrugged as the tip of his tail flicked.

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