Chapter 8

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  Night'Breeze padded past a small tree stump, she smelled no prey anywhere. Spotted'Stripe was sniffing the air for maybe just a hint.

  "I don't smell anything Night'Breeze." He meowed.

  "Me neither." She replied, she looked at him, "Lets try searching near the bushes then." She suggests. Spotted'Stripe shrugs and nods. "Follow me!" She mewed like a kit excitedly.

  Night'Breeze began to run, Spotted'Stripe close behind her. She began to slow down as they drew more closer to where the bushes were the thickest. She gotten low on her belly and sniffed the air. Spotted'Stripe did the same, though his crouch was lopsided.

  She smelled a vole in one of the small bushes. She managed to pinpoint where exactly the vole was in the bush and scooped it out. The vole squirmed in her paws but she bit its throat quickly. She quickly buried it under twigs and leaves.

  "I'm pretty sure there's a mouse up ahead. . ." Spotted'Stripe whispered.

  "Before you continue, fix your crouch. . .It's lopsided." Night'Breeze responded. Spotted'Stripe nodded and attempted to fix it. It was less lopsided than before. He padded closer to the mouse, it was behind a medium sized rock. He pounced over the rock and hit his muzzle on a tree, scaring away the mouse.

  Before the mouse could run far, Night'Breeze ran after it, scooping it up and killing it. She carried it in her jaws and padded over to Spotted'Stripe.

  "Wow. . ." He meowed with amazement. She dropped the mouse and purred.

  "Mouse brain, you over jumped that by a lot!" She let out a mrrow of a laugh. Spotted'Stripe put a paw over his muzzle.

  "Ow!"Spotted'Stripe yelped quietly.

  "You did hit that tree hard, maybe we should go back to camp with the prey we caught." Night'Breeze meowed as she picked the vole up back into her jaws.

  "You mean the prey you caught." He paused, "The only thing I caught was a tree." He said with a humorous tone.

  Night'Breeze nuzzles Spotted'Stripe and pads back to where she buried the vole. She points her tail to it, signaling for Spotted'Stripe to pick it up. Spotted'Stripe picked it up into his jaws. They began to pad back to camp.

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  Once the reached the camp and placed the fresh kill into the pile, it was almost sundown. Dawn'Star was gathering cats for the gathering, he already had a few warriors and an elder. Cinder'Feather and Bright'Paw were also in the group.

  Dawn'Star padded up to Night'Breeze. "Night'Breeze, join the group over there," He flicked his tail in the direction of the group, "You're going to the gathering."

  Night'Breezes paws tingled with excitement, she nodded furiously and ran over to the group. "This is so exciting Bright'Paw!" She mewed excitedly to her friend.

  "I know! Our first gathering!" Bright'Paw shared the same excitement. Ash'Whisper was among the cats in the group. He was sitting behind Cinder'Feather. The more Night'Breeze looked, the more similarities she noticed. Though they were very small, like the same gray fur on some parts and eyes. Though, she thought nothing of it.

  The deputy was told to stay, as he needed to watch the camp, along with some strong and young warriors. Dawn'Star padded back to the group of cats and lead them out of camp.

Book 1(Destiny of a Cat): Into a Clan COMPLETE!Where stories live. Discover now