Chapter 1

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  Darky, a black and white she-apprentice was waking with cats from her rogue group. She grew up in their camp, and being raised by the dark gray tom.

  The she-cat had a light brown pelt with deep amber eyes, Darky could always see a hatred in them. While the tom had a dark and matted gray pelt with icy blue eyes.

  "Smokey, I can't believe you let that cat get away! We should have clawed her fur off!" Willow hissed at Smokey. Willow was always obsessed with hurting other cats, badly.

  Smokey ignored Willow, he knew not to waste his time on her attitude. "Darky, come here." He ordered the small black and white she-apprentice. Darky stopped gazing out into the trees and padded up to Smokey, her tail held high.

  "Yes, Smokey?" Darky purred.

  "You'll be getting the rogue group a mouse. Meaning you'll be hunting by yourself." Smokey explained softly to Darky, her two colored eyes had lit up.

  "I'll do everything you taught me Smokey!" She purred as her colored eyes closed with happiness.

 Willow snapped at Darky, getting annoyed with the she-apprentices happiness. "Why don't you start going you stupid she-cat." Willow hissed at Darky. Darky saw Willows claws dig into the ground.

  Darky backed up out of fear. Her fur stood on end. Willow never took a liking to Darky, but she never knew how Willow felt about Smokey.

   "Willow!" Smokey hissed, he wrapped his tail around Darky to comfort the scared apprentice. "Go tell Jackson and Lynx we're back." He meowed sternly to Willow, his icy eyes full of anger towards her.

  Willow hissed something under her breath as she began to pad into their small camp. Smokey looked at Darky, his eyes were full of worry, but soon they showed the calm Darky was used to.

  "Why don't you start hunting? I want you back before sundown." Smokey mewed to Darky. He licked Darkys forehead to soothe her.

  Darky nodded and began to pad into the trees. Darky never felt her thoughts particularity pace, but there's always a first for everything.

  Darky was always told not to hunt where Rabbit Clan hunts. Smokey told her it would make trouble for the rogue group. Darky stuck to the trees. They never used it anyway.

  Darky let her nose lead the way through the trees and the undergrowth. It wasn't hard to navigate as she hunted here all her life with Smokey.

  Darky found a mouse, it was quite small and looked like a baby. She decided to stalk it through the undergrowth. Smokey taught her to do this when she was young, and when Willow was less bitter.

  As she followed the mouse she found its mother, a plump mouse which was much bigger. She pounced on top the mouse and landed the finishing blow. She decided to leave the baby mouse behind.

    Darky padded back to camp with the mouse held proudly in her jaws. Smokey would be so proud. Darky felt her jaw begin to ache so she decided to put down the mouse. As she stretched her jaws with a yawn, she smelled something like blood. 

  Darky's fur stood on end as she took another smell. It was a cats blood. Darky left the mouse and ran to the rogue group camp. The smell of blood mixed with Smokey's fading scent.

  As she ran inside of the camp, she saw what she never expected. Smokey's body laying motionless with blood oozing from his throat.

  Darky sat there terrified. Her eyes wide. She looked up at the sky and let out a yowl.

  Darky heard a cat step out from behind her, along with two other cats. 'Willow, Jackson and Lynx! They're okay!' She thought with happiness as she turned around.

Book 1(Destiny of a Cat): Into a Clan COMPLETE!Where stories live. Discover now