Chapter 18

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  Bright'Wing woke up, she had been chilled to the bone by a prophecy given by the old medicine cat of Wind Clan. She recognized the she-cat from her soft features she could hardly make out. She stood up and trotted out of the medicine den quickly. There was a stale scent of Dawn'Star leaving camp, possibly before sunrise.

  The gray medicine cat was nowhere in the medicine den either, 'Where could they be?' Bright'Wing thought with confusion. Her head spun around when she felt Night'Breeze brush up against her. Night'Breeze eyes betrayed her calmness as they showed fear of the unknown.

  "Bright'Wing. . ." Night'Breeze murmured, "I need to talk to you. . ." Her murmurs held nothing but a small hint of fear.

  Bright'Wing nodded and padded into the medicine den with Night'Breeze following. Night'Breeze sat quickly in front of Bright'Wing. Bright'Wing also sat down, she looked at her friend and recognized that her eyes shown confusion and a conflicted look.

  "Bright'Wing, I had a dream. . .A dream from StarClan." Night'Breeze paused as she looked down at her paws.

  Bright'Wing was taken aback, only medicine cats and leaders can get messages from StarClan. Bright'Wing remembered the dream she had last night, she had two warnings about a sickness that no cat could control or cure, well apart from one. "Was. . .Was it about sickness?" Bright'Wing stammered out.

  Night'Breeze nodded as her eyes grew wide with realization. A shock of fear ran up Bright'Wings spine, if Night'Breeze also got the prophecy, could she be apart of it?

  Bright'Wing shook her head, "What did they say to you?" Bright'Wing asked as she stepped closer to Night'Breeze.

  "Something about helping the brightness, and how feathers will fall and the dawn will fade. . ." Night'Breeze paused, "What do you think it means?" She mewed quietly as she looked into Bright'Wings eyes.

  "I got wings of kindness. . ." Bright'Wing mewed as she got lost into her thoughts, brightness and wings, 'Could it be a bird? How can birds heal?' Her tail flicked as she couldn't figure out what could heal the clans, and her clan.

  "Bright'Wing!" Night'Breeze mewed urgently, "It's you!" She paused as she began to pace back and forth in the medicine den, "Bright wings! It's your name!"

  Bright'Wing stood up, has StarClan actually chosen her to heal the clans? "H-How?!" Bright'Wing stammered as her tail stood up straight with fear. "How can I heal the Clans? It hasn't even been a moon since I became a medicine cat!" She mewed desperately.

  "We'll have to wait and see. . ." Night'Breeze mewed softly as she sat beside Bright'Wing. Bright'Wing felt calmer as Night'breeze rasped her tongue over her ear.

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  Night'Breeze felt like she was forgetting a piece of the prophecy. . .'How could I have forgotten a message from StarCan?' She thought with frustration. Her tail tip flicked, trying to remember their words.

  Night'Breeze looked over at Bright'Wing, her soft purr made her paws tingle. She felt calmer knowing her friend felt okay about the whole prophecy thing, after all, she had so much on her mind.

  Night'Breeze ears pricked behind her as she heard Dawn'Star and Cinder'Feather pad into camp. Night'Breeze stood up as Bright'Wing stepped forward to where they keep their herbs. Night'Breeze sat, watching Bright'Wing as she pretended to be studying the herbs.

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