Chapter 12

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Night'Breeze stood up, she was under SilverPelt. Willow'Speck and Smokey descended from the stars to greet Night'Breeze. Smokey put his nose on Night'Breezes cheek.

"You shown great bravery Night'Breeze. . ." Smokey meowed quietly. Willow'Speck brushed her tail on Night'Breezes flank.

"Smokey is right. You fought well too, though you are not ready to face her yet." Willow'Speck mewed quietly. Willow'Speck licked Night'Breezes shoulder and sat down, so did Smokey.

"How long will Willow watch me?. . ." Night'Breeze meowed questioningly.

"She will watch you like your shadow. . ." Smokey replied.

"But do not fear, we will watch over you as well." Willow'Speck mewed calmingly. She rasped her tongue over Night'Breezes ear. "Farewell young one."

"Be safe Night'Breeze." Smokey mewed.

Night'Breeze woke up. Cinder'Feather was in the medicine den sleep while Bright'Wing was nowhere to be seen. 'Maybe collecting herbs.' Night'Breeze thought. The bite in her shoulder merely felt like a small scratch now.

She stood up and stretched. She padded out of the medicine den and padded to the fresh kill pile. It had a decent amount of prey, plus Night'Breeze was in no condition to go hunting. The bite in her shoulder my slow her down.

She padded into the warriors' den to find One'Ear. She looked among the sleeping bodies, but no luck. She realized how skinny some of the warriors are from the lack of prey, some of them had a bit of bone sticking out from their pelt.

She shivered and backed out the warriors' den. 'Has the shortage of prey really affected Wind Clan this bad?' She thought. She padded to Dawn'Stars den, she soon realized she was walking with a slight limp now. The smell of Dawn'Star was stale as she got closer.

She shrugged lightly and went to the apprentices' den, she needed to tell Muddy'Paw that they won't be able to train until her shoulders better. Most of the cats were all sleeping since it was only getting to sunrise, but Muddy'Paw and Stick'Paw were play fighting like two small kits.

They did have the den to themselves so Night'Breeze didn't stop them. "Muddy'Paw, I have a bit of bad news." She meowed.

Muddy'Paw stopped playing, she saw the fear in his eyes, "W-What's wrong, Night'Breeze?" He mewed quietly.

"It's not that bad Muddy'Paw." Night'Breeze padded closer to the young apprentice to comfort him. "I won't be able to train you for a day or two, that's all." She mewed gently.

Muddy'Paw sighed with relief and nodded.

"I'll ask Speckle'Face if she could train you with Stick'Paw if you'd like." She continued. Muddy'Paw nodded happily.

"I'll visit you in the medicine den once I've done my training too!" Muddy'Paw smiled.

"I'll be right bac-" Stick'Paw interrupted Night'Breeze.

"No, I'll go and ask her." Stick'Paw meowed respectfully, "You have an injured shoulder." He continued. Night'Breeze nodded, she didn't see a small apprentice, she saw a warrior.

"Thank you, Stick'Paw." Night'Breeze meowed. "Bye Muddy'Paw." She purred as she rasped her tongue over his ear. She padded out of the apprentices' den and limped to the medicine den. The pain in the bite got a bit worse as she padded around. Night'Breeze laid on a piece of moss.

Bright'Wing looked at her worried and padded closer to her. "What happened to you?" She mewed as she sat beside her. Bright'Wing brushed her tail gently on her shoulder. "I didn't get to ask before."

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