Chapter 3

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  A moon has past since Night'Paw has been accepted into Wind Clan. Also since the last time Smokey has given her a message. Its hard for her to think of him, its like a claw inside of her heart. She could never let go of his death.

  The apprentices were now seven moons old. Night'Paw began seeing how thr prey is thin and scrawny, and even caught in low amounts. The clans hopes were rising due to Dawn'Star.

  Dawn'Star would always hop onto the Tall Rock near sun high. He would give speeched of Wind Clan being a prideful and strongest clan. The gleam in the cats eyes grew brighter everyday.

  Night'Paw was always alert. There were always new smells. Kittypets, rogues, Willow. Sometimes the scents were all in one place, or separated. As if Willow was collecting.

  Night'Paw woken up. It was clearly sun high and Dawn'Star came in the apprentices den to take her on border patrol. All the apprentices were out the den. Bright'Paw was eating fresh kill with Bear'Paw and Sleeping'Paw had gone out training. She felt like she haven't slept a wink.

  Dawn'Star padded up to Night'Paw. "Its time for us to go onto the border patrol." Dawn'Star noticed his apprentice seemed sleepy and dazed. "We can go onto the sun down patrol if you're tired." He added softly.

  Night'Paw shook her head in response and got up. Dawn'Star nodded and walked out the apprentice den with Night'Paw following close behind, with every pawstep, she felt more alert.

  "We're going on border patrol with White'Nose and Speckle'Face for today. It's time you learned Wind Clan borders." He meowed over his shoulder to Night'Paw.

  Night'Paw nodded at Dawn'Star as they were almost to the entrance of camp.

  Speckle'Face was bragging about always attending gatherings to White'Nose. "The gather is in a next half a moon! I can't wait to attend!" She purred.

  Night'Paw was yet to be told about gatherings. She padded closer to the two she-cats to listen. Just as she did Dawn'Star came back and noticed her intrigue.

  "Ah, right." Dawn'Star paused, his pace slowed as he began meowing. "I forgot to tell you what a gathering was." He meowed as he looked at her. He paused again as he got near the two she-cats.

  "Lets begin going. I have another patrol to get to at sundown." Speckle'Face mewed with a sense of humor. Night'Paw couldn't help but let out a giggle.

  Dawn'Star mewed a few things about the gathering to Night'Paw as they padded around tbe borders.

  "The gathering always takes place on a full moon. It's where all the clans come together and talk about how their clan is going." He paused as he freshened up with Wind Clan scent on a tree. "Star Clan will cover the moon to show that they're displeased. Or if a clan began fighting." He meowed as he continued walking. "Only the clan leader can speak for the clan, if another cat goes up, Star Clan could be angry." He said.

  Speckle'Face was keeping an eye out for what could be an intruder, either from another clan or an animal that can be deadly. The cats were on the Wind Clan side, connecting to Thunder Clan. The two leg barn was up ahead.

  Til the forest, and the barn, this was all Wind Clans. Night'Paw was told if she were to ever go onto a border patrol, and smell a new scent, warn the clan. She took note of this as they continued their patrol.

  As the patrol continued on, a new scent was carried by the wind. Night'Paw recognized this scent. It was a rogue that Smokey spared. Night'Paw remembers the pelt, it was white.

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