Chapter 11

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  Night'Breeze called out for Dawn'Star. He soon emerged from his den and sat in front of her. "I think we smelled Bright'Wing last night." She paused, "She smelled of mint this morning." She meowed quietly.

  "What was her explanation?" He meowed questioningly. His voice was still calm but he could see confusion in his eyes.

  "Well she said she was getting burdock root and tripped into some mint." Night'Breeze meowed as she pawed at the ground. "Cinder'Feather did say before that they needed more burdock root." She added the last part quickly, the thought of her friend possibly being some sort of traitor just didn't feel right.

  Dawn'Star nodded, "Keep an eye on her for a bit, I'm not saying I don't trust her, I just want to be careful." He meowed as he padded back into his den. Was that all he had to say?

  Even so, Night'Breeze felt a wave of relief. She knew Bright'Wing wouldn't betray the clan in any way, and she doubts Bright'Wing would lie to her. . . Right?

  Night'breeze dipped her head and padded away from his den, she saw Bright'Wing leave the nursery and pad into the medicine den. She felt uncertainty claw at her mind, could she trust her friend?

  Night'Breeze shook her head and began to pad to the apprentices' den. 'Of course I could! I'm just being mouse-brained!' She thought to herself. She saw Muddy'Paw and Stick'Paw play fighting, she smiled and sat at the entrance. The apprentices stopped and sat down quickly once they noticed her.

  "Night'Breeze!" Muddy'Paw mewed excitedly as he rubbed against her, "Are we going to go train?" He purred. Night'Breeze nodded and rasped her tongue over his ear.

  "Yes we are, go wait by the entrance to camp, okay?" She meowed. Muddy'Paw nodded and scrambled off.

  "Night'Breeze?" Stick'Paw meowed, "Can I go with you?"

  Night'Breeze nodded, "Go tell your mentor Speckle'Face, alright?" She paused, "Me and Muddy'Paw will be waiting for you at then entrance. She padded out of the apprentices' and padded towards the entrance of camp. She sat beside Muddy'Paw and watched Stick'Paw happily run into the warriors' den.

  Soon Speckle'Face and him appeared out of the den. Speckle'Face calmly padded up to Night'Breeze and flicked her tail for a friendly hello. Night'Breeze dipped her head with respect. "Are you coming with us Speckle'Face?" She mewed.

  Speckle'Face nodded, "I'm not on any patrols today, so I should probably train Stick'Paw." She meowed.

  Night'Breeze nodded, "What would be the best place to train?" She asked Speckle'Face. Speckle'Face flicked her tail to order them all to follow her. They padded out of camp, Night'Breeze made sure that Muddy'Paw and Stick'Paw were close by.

  Night'Breeze could easily hear Muddy'Paws purr as they walked through the moor.

  "We're here!" Speckle'Face purred, Stick'Paws eyes shone with excitement. Muddy'Paw was shaking with happiness. 

  A small smile came across Night'Breezes' face, watching Muddy'Paw so happy made her forget all the terrible things like Willow.

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     Night'Breeze stood in front of Muddy'Paw as he weaved side to side, approaching Night'Breeze. The apprentice took too long to pounce, being easily countered as he attempted to pounce at Night'Breeze. The apprentice landed on his side, letting out a small oof  sound as dirt rose up from the ground.

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