Chapter 22(Final Chapter)

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  The battle StarClan had told Night'Breeze about, was beginning. Night'Breeze knew there would need to be more cats here to hold of Willow Clan from finding their way around the river. Ice'Fur was the most experienced warrior here, and definitely the fastest.

  The rain was making the river flood. 'Could this be the way to prevent Willow from winning?' Night'Breeze thought, and soon a plan came to mind. It was as if StarClan was giving her a way to lead them to victory.

  She looked at Muddy'Foot. His determination shone in his green eyes. The injury from the badger seems like it never happened. She then looked at Spotted'Stripe.

  His fear of Willow is gone, especially after their second encounter. His soft amber eyes now blazed with the rage Willow lit inside of him. 'They're all ready to fight against the light brown shadow that stalks us all.' Night'Breeze thought with acceptance. And now it was her turn. No matter what happens, she must stand her ground and either claw or bite her Clan to victory.

  Night'Breeze turned her head to where she faced all the cats, "Muddy'Foot, stay here until River Clan gets here, tell them we need some warriors near the way around the River." Night'Breeze then locked eyes with Spotted'Stripe. "Spotted'Stripe, we'll be hiding near the way around the river, if any cat gets by, don't be afraid to push them in."

  Both the cats nodded, Muddy'Foot went into a piece of undergrowth to hide. Spotted'Stripe and Night'Breeze both sneaked through pieces of undergrowth, making sure not to be seen by Willow or her Clan.

  They made it to the way around the river, the way was covered with reeds and twigs. It was River Clans secret, but now Wind Clans. The Willow Clan warriors were close to finding it, and if it haven't been raining the Willow Clan warriors would have found them easily.

  StarClan was on River Clans and Wind Clans side. But not for long as a cat was close to Spotted'Stripe and Night'Breeze.

  Night'Breeze got ready to scare the Willow Clan warrior into the river. She readied herself as she waited for the warrior to get closer. The warrior was sniffing around, getting too close for comfort, he was a tail length away. Night'Breeze knew it'll be too suspicious if the cat fell off all the way over there.

  Soon, the cat came closer, Night'Breeze swung her paw at them. The cat jumped back, losing their footing on the edge of the river. They fell in with a screech of fear. Night'Breeze shivered, then guilt entered her heart. Many deaths were caused by her, from Smokeys to the cat who fell.

  She felt Spotted'Stripes tail brush against her shoulder, calming her. She looked back at him. His amber eyes were filled with a softness that made Night'Breeze feel better. Night'Breeze looked out from the undergrowth.

  Willows eyes squinted in suspicion. Then anger, had Night'Breeze been seen? No. . .Night'Breeze let out a sigh of relief.

  Willow was angry at a warrior of hers. She had whipped around and began yelling at them, her claws unsheathed, digging into the mushy ground. Night'Breeze saw that Willow was about to scratch at one of the cats, but a crash of lightning made her whip around. 

  The lighting looked as if she was in a ring of fire, her eyes blazing with satisfaction. Night'Breeze shivered. Night'Breeze turned her head in Muddy'Foots direction, she saw Beetle'Star and her warriors talking to Muddy'Foot inside of the undergrowth.

  Beetle'Star approached from the undergrowth. A few warriors followed. Willow noticed and stepped forward.

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