Chapter 5

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  Night'Paw leapt, Dawn'Star simply moved out the way. "You gave me time to react, try again." His meow was calm. He went back into position.

  Night'Paw instantly leapt, her paws felt the toms fur between them. She let out a purr of pride. She leapt off of Dawn'Star and smiled. Dawn'Star shook the dust out his fur.

  Night'Paw felt a rush of pride, she never was able to even catch Dawn'Star until now. 'No wonder why he's a leader! His skills are incredible!' She thought pridefully. 

  "Nice job!" He purred as he washed his paw quickly. He put his tail on her shoulder to congratulate her.

  Night'Paw purred happily, enjoying the praise given to her. "We should start heading back to camp! Right, Dawn'Star?" Night'Paw purred.

  "That is correct, on the way we'll need to try and catch some prey." He responded, his amber eyes shone with pride for his apprentice.

  Sunhigh rolled around. The two cats collected minimal prey, it was scrawny. The mouse looked pathetic while the rabbit looked sad. 'It's not even Leaf-Bare. . .' Night'Breeze though quietly as her and Dawn'Star continued into Wind Clan.

  "Bring the rabbit to the elders." Dawn'Star meowed as he placed the small mouse into the pile. He turned and stalked back into his den, his tail dropping with worry.

  Night'Paw nodded her head, and clenched the rabbits scruff in her jaws. Though the rabbit was scrawny, she still struggled. She heard the soft padding of a queen. Night'Paw turned her gaze to her.

  "Need help with that, dear?" Willow'Speckle asked softly.

  Night'Breeze nodded as her two colored gaze met with Willow'Speckles soft amber eyes.

  Willow'Speck carried the other side of the rabbit. They both padded to the elders den. Night'Paw feels grateful to have another friend in Wind Clan.

  They left the rabbit by the entrance of the elders den. "Thank you, Willow'Speck." Night'Paw mewed happily.

  Willow'Speckle rasped her tongue over Night'Paws ear, then she padded back to the nursery to comfort the mewing kits. Night'Paw purred quietly to herself. Willow'Speckle made her feel like she belonged.

  Night'Paw went to go see Bright'Wing in the medicine den, but to her surprise, she wasn't there. The medicine den was neatly organized, possibly by Cinder'Feather.

  Out of confusion, she padded up to One'Ear. He was sending a patrol of cats consisting of, Running'Wing, Ash'Whisper and Speckle'Face.

  She dipped her head as the tom noticed her. "When will Bright'Paw be returning to Wind Clan?" She asked with curiosity.

  "Oh, hmm. . .They're at the moon tree, yes?" He paused and thought for a second, "They'll be back at sunhigh tomorrow." He answered.

  Night'Paw dipped her head and was about to pad away before One'Ear stopped her. "Oh, Night'Paw. Feed the queens, they're probably hungry by now."

  Night'Paw nodded and walked off to the fresh kill pile. She looked at it with pity. A thin squirrel and a young rabbit was all that the clan had. She picked up the small rabbit. It seemed to barely be enough to feed the queens.

  "I've brought you all fresh kill." Night'Paw said as she was about to walk out of the nursery.

   Lost'Dream stopped Night'Paw with a soft mew, "Why not eat with us Night'Paw?" Her kits were up against her belly. Night'Paw wasn't able to see them before. Her eyes were wide at their beautiful pelts.

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