Chapter 6

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  Night'Breeze has already been a warrior for 2 moons. She felt like she already failed her clan by watching a queen die, let alone, one she was close to. Willow'Speck died protecting the kits, but Night'Breeze couldn't protect her.

  Night'Breeze stood up and stretched, maybe she'll feel better soon. Night'Breeze noticed One'Ear gathering a patrol. He looked over at the black and white she-cat. He smiled and padded over to Night'Breeze.

  "You'll be going on a patrol today. For now get some fresh kill." One'Ear meowed to Night'Breeze. His voice was warm, like he knew she was still bothered about the battle.

  Night'Breeze nods without hesitation. She watched as One'Ear padded off to the elders den. This was her second patrol. She wondered if the clan thought she was a bad luck charm.

  She let out a sigh. Her tail drooped but she tried keeping her head high. Night'Breeze looks around at the camp. Her eyes trailed off to see Dawn'Star speaking to the kits. Muddy'Kit and Stick'Kit.

  Night'Breeze felt a chill of worry arise in her. 'Is Muddy'Kit in trouble? What did he do?' She thought.

  She padded over to the small group. Her tail had curled with a slight curiosity, and with a hint of worry.

  Muddy'Kit noticed Night'Breeze. His green eyes lit up with happiness. "Hi Night'Breeze!" He purred.

  "Hi, Muddy'Kit, how are you feeling?" Night'Breeze meowed, she looked at Dawn'Star with worry. Dawn'Star smiled calmly.

  "Fantastic! Dawn'Star was talking to me and Stick'Kit about becoming apprentices soon!" Muddy'Kit mewed excitedly.

  Dawn'Star nodded at Night'Breeze as he stood up and padded towards One'Ear.

  "This is so awesome Muddy'Kit! One paw closer to becoming the best warriors there ever was!" Stick'Kit mewed as he jumped towards Muddy'Kit excitedly.

  Muddy'Kit purred out of happiness, causing Night'Breeze to purr too. She felt happy that Muddy'Kit was getting over the death of his mother. His green eyes were shining again. Her sadness drifted away as she watched Muddy'Kit.

  "Well, I have to go on a patrol now." Night'Breeze meowed as she got up. "I'll talk to you later, okay?" She looked at Muddy'Kit, he nodded and went off to the nursery. She padded to the entrance of camp and saw cats gathered at the entrance, waiting for her.

  The cats left the camp, Night'Breeze felt uneasy. 'What if something bad happens?. . .' She thought.

  The cats patrolled the boarders, there was nothing unusual, so the cats split up to find some prey for the clan. Night'Breeze approached the thick bushes, she was more comfortable with this type of hunting.

  Night'Breeze sniffed the air, something unfamiliar hit her nostrils. Her curiosity peaked.

  Night'Breeze approached the bush closer, worried if it was a rogue from Willow. The bush shook.

  She swirled her ears behind her, she did this incase it was an ambush, so she can hear any approaching cats. But none so far.

  Night'Breeze sniffed the bush, it was a cat. She pounced onto the cat in the bush.

  The cat hissed and squirmed around, the cat was thin and weak. Night'Breeze instantly got off the cat, it would be an unfair fight.

  "Please. . .Don't hurt me anymore. . .Please help me." The weak tom meowed weakly. He was shaking, he had cuts not from Night'Breeze. He was crouching low on the ground he looked pitiful.

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