Chapter 21

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  Night'Breeze did as she was told, they all went to River Clan, at least the warriors she chose. She took some skilled warriors in order to defend River Clan. There were a few more warriors with them.

  She looked over at a white she-cat. It was Ice'Fur, her second in charge. Night'Breeze felt like a leader in a way. She took Spotted'Stripe with her as well, she has a creeping feeling she might regret this.

  Bat'Frost lead the Wind Clan warriors past the swollen river. The deputy was limping as Cinder'Feather padded beside him, trying to keep him standing. "I'll take care of you when we get to your Clan." Cinder'Feather meowed kindly to the deputy.

  The River Clan deputy nodded and murmured something to Cinder'Feather that Night'Breeze couldn't hear. Spotted'Stripes fur was brushing against Night'Breezes as they were both padding in sync.

  Night'Breeze noticed that Spotted'Stripe stopped padding side by side with her, he had stopped moving. She looked at him. His amber eyes were filled with fear as he stared into the river, his tailed was twice it's usual size.

  The cats stared at Night'Breeze at Spotted'Stripe. Night'Breeze looked at the cats and nodded her head to signal them they can keep moving.

  Night'Breeze flicked her tail for the rest of the cats to keep moving. Ice'Fur nodded and continued to pad behind Bat'Frost with the other Wind Clan warriors following. Her colored eyes stared back at Spotted'Stripe, he stared back. It seemed to have almost calmed him completely.

  Spotted'Stripes eyes were clouded with sorrow, Night'Breeze wonders what happened.

  "Spotted'Stripe?" Night'Breeze mewed gently to the gray and black tom. Spotted'Stripe padded closer to Night'Breeze, placing his head in her fur. She brushed her tail against his shoulder and licked his ear to soothe him.

  "I-I'm sorry." He mewed quickly. His amber eyes stared into hers once more. She felt sympathy for him.

  "It's fine, lets just catch up to the rest." Night'Breeze mewed gently to her mate. It was already sun down.

  Spotted'Stripe and Night'Breeze padded back to the rest of the Wind Clan cats. She knew Spotted'Stripe was feeling off, but she didn't know what to do. Night'Breeze focused on the surrounding as they padded closer to the River Clan camp. She could still faintly hear the rivers slight whispers. It's as if River Clan has their own StarClan by the river.

  The Wind Clan cats soon entered River Clan camp. There were cats sitting by their dead clanmates. Night'Breeze shivered, their vigil already started.

  Night'Breeze felt a pang of guilt as she padded past the saddened warriors. 'Maybe if I would have died that night. . .Willow wouldn't have gone this far. . .' She thought with guilt. Her eyes stood stuck on the grieving warriors as they padded closer to the leaders den.

  Spotted'Stripe brushed his tail on Night'Breezes shoulder. they both felt off as they entered River Clan. Spotted'Stripe felt off about their swollen river, while Night'Breeze felt guilt for all the deaths.

 Bat'Frost stopped at the entrance of the den. 'This must be the leaders den. . .' Night'Breeze thought as she came to a stop. She was standing beside Ice'Fur.

  A black pelted she-cat stepped out of the den, there was a star on her forehead. Her eyes widened as she saw the Wind Clan cats.

  "Dawn'Star is too kind. . ." The leader mewed quietly. Her voice was full of grief. "Who speaks for this group?" She announced loud enough for all the Wind Clan cats to hear.

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