Chapter 14

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  Muddy'Paw padded quickly in front of Night'Breeze. The apprentice had much more energy than she had. Soon they reached the training spot Speckle'Face had shown them. Muddy'Paw jumped around excitedly, "I wanna learn how to fight!" He purred.

  Night'Breeze enjoyed the apprentices' excitement. She nodded her head, "How about some counter attacks?" She waited for Muddy'Paws response.

  "Yes please! I can't wait." Muddy'Paw smiled, his green eyes full of excitement.

  "I'll demonstrate the first move. Attack me." She meowed. "It's all dependent on what the enemy does first."  

  Muddy'Paw nodded and pounced onto her, she quickly flipped around and kicked him off with her hindlegs. She then sprang to her paws. Muddy'Paw roughly landed on his paws, barely catching his balance on time.

  Night'Breeze admitted she wasn't the strongest, but she was the swiftest and strategic- At least she hopes so.

  Night'Breeze stood by his side in order to catch him just in case. "You okay?" Night'Breeze meowed, worry thick in her voice. 

  Muddy'Paw nodded, "Heck yes! That was an awesome move!" He purred.

  Night'Breeze padded backwards a bit. "Alright, try it on me." Night'Breeze meowed as she got ready to pounce. Muddy'Paw nodded. "I'll be doing the same move you did to me, alright?"

  Night'Breeze pounced onto her apprentice with her claws sheathed. Swiftly, Muddy'Paw flipped around and kicked her off. She couldn't land on her paws on time and landed on her side. She scrambled to her paws and shook some dirt out her fur, "Great job! You're awfully strong to just be an apprentice." She mewed to her apprentice as he padded closer to her.

  Muddy'Paw smiled, "Thank you Night'Breeze." He rasped his tongue over her ear.

  "Why don't we go hunting for now? The Clan does need prey." Night'Breeze meowed as she began to pad into the moors. Muddy'Paw follow her happily.

  Night'breeze sat back and watched as Muddy'Paw sniffed the air. Muddy'Paw snuck closer to a stone. He leapt over it and missed the prey. It was a mouse. He quickly began trying to run after it.

  Night'Breeze intercepted the mouse's path and quickly killed it. He picked it up in his jaws and brought it back to Night'Breeze. "I'll need to help you perfect that move, though you did a good job." She meowed as she looked at her apprentice. 

  "Go catch some more, I still have yet to see what you can do Muddy'Paw." She mewed as she flicked her tail toward the moors as she sat in front of a piece of undergrowth.

  Muddy'Paw nodded and placed the piece of fresh kill down. Night'Breeze buried it beside her and stared at her apprentice as he padded across the moor. She noticed his neck fur bristle and his tail become twice its size. She stood up out of fear and began to pelt across the moor towards him. Night'Breeze saw the familiar white pelt from before, Snow.

  "Who are you?" Muddy'Paw hissed as he got ready to pounce onto Snow. Snow backed away with her claws unsheathed.

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  "Night'Breeze! Look I've caught an intruder, I knew I smelled something off in Wind Clan territory!" His hissed as he swiped his claws towards Snow.

  "Good job, but she's a friend of mine. Snow is her name." Night'Breeze explained quickly and stuck her tail up straight and flicked it, signaling for them both to sit. Snow grudgingly sat down as Muddy'Paw obeyed immediately.

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