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Four years ago,

"Thanks again for dinner, Jane," Jess said while stepping in the car, "I'll text when we get home." 

Then James starts the car and starts to drive home. "Let's call the kids, let them know that we'll be home in 30 minutes." 

-Ring Ring Ring. 

"Hope, can you get the phone?" "Sure... Hey mom! Are you on the way home?" 

"Hey honey, we'll be home in about 30 minutes. We'll come to give you a kiss when we get home, so get in your bed it's late, and pass the phone to your sister please."

"Okay mom, see you soon... Rose! Mom wants to talk to you" Rose takes the phone and Hope goes to bed. "Hey mom, almost home?" 

"We'll be home in 30 minutes and then we're gonna have our late girls' night, okay?"

"Thanks, mom, I really need a girls' night." 

"We're gonna talk about movies and bo--" Something smashes into the car from the right and pushes is off the road. The car spins and spins until it hits a tree and stops. 

"James.. James!"

"Mom? Mom are you okay? Mom!" Jess hears vaguely in the background. 

Jess finds James dead in his seat, impaled by a large branch. "No.. No, this can't be happening. Then the realization sinks in: "Guy...." Jess whispers. "Hello Jess, long time no see," says someone behind her. "I've been looking for you, you're a hard woman to find." Guy hauls her out of the car onto the ground 25 feet further. 

"Mom? Mom, what's happening?"

"Mommy can't come to the phone right now." Then Guy hangs up the phone. "Where were we? O yeah, I have been looking for you for 18 years and I finally found you. Do you remember our last conversation? We're you told me you were leaving me for him!" He points to James' lifeless body. "And then you drugged me and ran, you broke my heart. So I made it my life's purpose to kill every single one of your precious, rare moon wolf kind in this world. And you are the last one on the list." He pulls a silver blade from his pocket. And a flask out of the other. "You know, when we were together I used to do tests on you, on your blood, to be exact. And with those results I made something. The only thing that can kill a moon wolf." He pours the content over the blade. "A combination of wolfsbane, mistletoe, mountain ash and belladonna on a silver blade will kill you instantly when I plunge it into your heart." He the blade closer to Jess's heart. "Any last words?" "Go fuck yourself, you're just as pathetic as you were 18 years ago and I wish I left you soo--" Jess chokes on her words as Guy plunges the knife into her heart. He whispers in her ear: "I never stopped loving you. Goodbye, my love." 

With that he stands up and leaves the scene, leaving 2 girls at home waiting for their parents, who will never come home. 

Moon Omens (Will be rewritten in the near future)Where stories live. Discover now