Chapter 5: Future thoughts

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When I wake up, I feel well-rested and ready for anything.

I wake up next to Leo, he's kinda cute when he's asleep. I kiss him on the forehead and get out of bed. I change into some loose clothes and head downstairs. There I'm greeted by Freya and Hunter, Freya says: "Good morning honey, how is your ankle feeling?" "A lot better, thanks." I turn my attention to Hunter and ask him: "Can we try again today?" I can see on his face he thinks it's not a good idea. He answers: "Not today, you need to be 100% for this. We will continue tomorrow." He leaves the kitchen before I can counter. "He is just worried, you got hurt yesterday and he doesn't want you to get hurt again," Freya tells me. "Do you want some breakfast?" "Yes please, I'm starving."

About an hour later Leo and I are walking through the woods. All of a sudden he stops and turns to me, saying: "Have you heard of the mating bond?" I don't answer immediately because I know exactly what it is. You and your mate perform a ritual, which is most of the time sleeping with each other, in which the male bites the female and vice versa, then both of them drop some of the blood in a bowl. There it mixes together with the help of a bit of wolfsbane, I know it normally would kill us but not this time and forms a bond between the two. But that's not the only thing to seal the bond you must give each other access to each other's minds. Which is called a mind-link. "I know what it is... and I want to do it. I want to be your mate forever. Nothing will keep us apart; we will always find our way back to each other. No matter what." I see his eyes getting teary and before he knows it, I slam my lips onto his.

-That evening

"Ready to be stuck with me forever?" Leo says with a mischievous look in his eyes. "The better question is are you ready for me?" I push him onto the bed and take his shirt of. I ask him: "Where do you want your mark, sir?" I shoot him a wink. "Why don't you choo--" I don't even let him finish because I know exactly where I want to mark him. His upper thigh. After I bite him, I let the blood flow into the bowl he does the same with me, but he decides to mark me on my shoulder. When we both put our blood in the goblet, Leo grabs some liquid wolfsbane and adds it to our combined blood. For a second, I feel our blood bonding, but then I feel something inside my head, a voice. I try to fight it, but I feel Leo put his forehead to mine, he says: "Let me in. I want to be with you forever." I let his thoughts slowly intertwine with mine and when the last strand is connected to one of mine, I hear his voice in my head. Saying: "I love you."

-8 months later

The past eight months have been amazing, I'm officially Leo's mate and because of that the Luna of the Lunar pack. I have been training a lot but sometimes it still goes sideways. I think I've woken up in the woods naked with no memory of what happened more than enough times. I have been bonding so much with Sam that I have called him brother a couple of times, luckily, he sees me as his little sister too. And Leo and I have never been better, and things will only get better when I tell him my little secret.

Freya and I are sitting outside when she suddenly asks: "How are you feeling? Nauseous again or stomachache?" "Still bad, I was at the toilet all morning because I was too nauseous to do anything else." She takes something out of her pocket, a pregnancy test, and puts it on the table between us. "I found this in the bathroom this morning. When were you gonna tell me I'm gonna be a grandma?" I quickly take the test and put it into my pocket before I answer: "I was gonna tell Leo first, that's why I hid it in the bathroom. I don't even know how to tell him; do you think he wants to have a kid already?" Freya takes my hands in hers and says: "I think he wouldn't want anything else in the world more than starting a family with you." That's when Leo walks up to me and says: "Rose, would you like to go on a date with me this evening?" "I would love to go on a date with you, handsome." I get up, kiss him on the cheek and go inside.

-That night

"How did you even find this place? It is so beautiful, if I lived here, I would never leave." We have been walking through an amazing flower garden talking about a lot of stuff. "What do you want with your future? With us?" Leo asks me, I don't know what to answer but before I can even open my mouth he goes down on one knee and says: "From the moment I saw you on that fare I knew I could never forget you and when you said yes to the date my heart jumped. I love you, Rose. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Rose, will you marry me?"

It takes me a minute to comprehend what he is saying, he loves me, he wants to spend the rest of our lives together and I haven't even told him about my pregnancy. But now I know I don't have to worry about him not wanting a kid yet because I see in his eyes, he is ready to do anything for me.

I jump into his arms and say: "Of course I'll marry you. I wouldn't want anything else." I press my lips on his until we both have to pull away to breathe. Then he takes my hand in his and shoves the beautiful engagement ring onto my finger. Then I take both his hands in mine and say: "I have some news too." He answers: "I know nothing that could be better than you saying yes to my proposal." I put his hands on my stomach and say: "You're going to a dad." Leo stays quiet for a whole minute, I say: "Are you okay? Don't you like it?" Then he kneels and kisses my stomach while saying: "Hey sweetie, I can't wait till you're here." He stands up and looks me in the eyes. "This is even better than my surprise and of course I like it, I just needed a minute to process everything." He takes my hand in his and we walk back to the house together.

We called everyone to the kitchen to announce two amazing surprises. When Hunter, Freya, Sam, and Hope arrived in the kitchen, Hope immediately said: "Okay, spill." I look to Leo asking his permission to tell everybody, when he nods, I say: "Leo just asked me to marry him... And I said Yes!" Everybody is ecstatic until Leo clears his throat and says: "That's not all, Rose and I are also expecting our first child." Everybody erupts in cheers and congratulates us.

"So, when is the wedding?" Sam asks.

Moon Omens (Will be rewritten in the near future)Where stories live. Discover now