Chapter 3: Meeting his parents

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After a very silent car ride,

Leo and I walk up to a big mansion at the edge of the woods. He takes his keys from his pocket and opens the door. We enter and almost immediately get welcomed by a woman, who I assume is his mom. But when she sees Leo's face, she knows something is wrong and she ushers us both into the living room onto the couch. Then she takes a seat opposite us and says: "What's wrong?" Leo answers: "Mom, meet my mate. Rose." I give her a small wave. "And I think it's best to call dad when I tell this." His mom's face looks even more worried than before.

She walks to the stairs and calls: "Hunter, can you get down here, please. Your son needs you."

I see an almost exact copy of Leo walk down the stairs, except the age. Hunter takes a seat next to Leo's mom, whose name is Freya, Leo told me at dinner. "Well, what does my son need me for?" Hunter asks. "Rose had some kind of vision, of me, lying dead on the floor and she was tied to a chair. Then some guy walked towards my body," I see Leo is getting very uncomfortable telling it, so I take his hand in mine and he continuous, "He told her things about not being able to control her wolf and when she would let her wolf completely out she would lose complete control." Hunter and Freya look at each other like they know something but they're thinking whether or not to tell us. Then Hunter says: "Rose can you show me your eyes? Your wolf eyes. I need to confirm a suspicion." I do as he says and close my eyes opening the cage of my wolf a bit just to let my eye color come through. Then I open my eyes and when Freya and Hunter see them, Freya immediately stands up and walks over to me. She sits next to me and takes my hands in hers. "Honey, we've been looking for you for so long, we thought you were dead." She suddenly pulls me into a hug, and I give her an awkward hug back. "Why have you been looking for me?" I ask curiously. "Because we promised your parents to take care of you and your sister when something would happen to them. But when something did happen, we weren't there. So, we've been looking for you for years." She stands up and walks towards the kitchen while saying: "She sent me a letter, in which she asked me and Hunter to take care of you and Hope in any way we could. Ah, found it." She comes walking back with an envelope in her hand, when she sits next to Hunter again, she hands me the letter and tells me to read it:

Dear Freya,

I have a bad feeling about next week like something is about to happen but I don't know what. So, I want to ask you, if something happens to me and James, please take care of our girls. You know how important they are, especially Rose, she needs to be protected at all cost. If he gets her, then we're all lost. But you cannot tell her until she finds her mate. Only her mate can help her control the wolf inside her.

Your dear friend,


I look up from the letter, looking at Freya and demanding answers. She says to me: "Yes, I knew your mother. And she was one of my closest friends. That's why she asked me to take care of you girls, but I failed her. I have been loo--" I hold up my hand and say to her in a bit of a threatening way: "You know I am not looking for that answer. Why should I be protected? What is so special about me?" I slam my fist on the table and almost smash it to pieces. Hunter answers: "You are the last Moon wolf. Your mom was one too and that's why she was killed. It wasn't just a car accident it was a murder. Because someone wants all Moon wolfs dead and when he killed your mom, he thought he killed every single one of your kind." When I hear him say this, I feel the room starting to spin and I stand up trying to walk to the front door but halfway there I fall to my knees. I get this strange feeling: my wolf escaped its prison inside me and know it wants out. But I can't let it. I just can't. I have to fight it.

When I get to the point where I can't hold it anymore, I open my eyes and look right into Leo's sky-blue eyes. In some way just looking at him makes my wolf calm down, which gives me time to put her back in her cage deep down inside me. And the moment I close the cage everything goes dark.

I wake up in a soft bed. Which is not mine. I immediately sit up and scan the room. I find Leo sleeping a chair next to the bed. I find myself in pajamas, my pajamas to be exact, I don't know how they got here but okay. Suddenly Leo begins to moan, and he slowly wakes up. When he sees me sitting straight up in bed, he is all of a sudden completely awake. He stands up and comes to sit beside me. "How are you feeling? You gave us quite the scare last night." Then everything from last night comes rushing back. Me, being the last wolf of my kind, my parents being murdered. I almost have a panic attack, but Leo pulls me close to him and I calm down instantly. "Let's go downstairs there is someone waiting for you."

When I get downstairs, I see my sister sitting at the dinner table eating breakfast. She jumps up when she sees me and runs my way, pulling me into a tight hug, she whispers in my ear: "Don't ever scare me like that again, okay? I don't want to have 2 wolves, a former alpha, might I add, at our door again saying I need to pack some of our stuff because we're going to be staying with them." "I'm sorry, last night was just a mess," I say. "I know they told me everything and they have a proposal for you." She lets go of me and leads me to the kitchen where Freya and Hunter are patiently waiting for me. When I seat myself at the table Hunter says:

"We are going to train you."

Moon Omens (Will be rewritten in the near future)Where stories live. Discover now