Chapter 9: Torture

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It's been another week in this hellhole. Guy has been doing more tests, especially trying to control my visions. Leo still hasn't found me.

The door of my cell opens and Hugo walks into my cell. He closes the door behind him and sits beside me. We've grown fond of each other, and we try to talk as much as possible without Guy noticing. He also helps me with my wolf. I know I shouldn't be transforming here but Guy hasn't noticed it and I need to be ready. I need to be ready so I can get out of here. After about an hour Hugo receives a text and after reading it he says to me: "I have to take you to Guy again. So you coming willingly or in cuffs like last time." I stand up and say: "I'm coming willingly, fighting won't get me anywhere. And I don't want to be drugged again." I walk past him, going straight for Guy' "throne" room, he's very narcissistic, I know. 

I'm placed on the chair in the middle of the room. Micheal, one of Guy' goons, ties me to the chair and gags me. Guy sits before me on another chair, takes out his phone and dials Leo's number. When Leo picks up Guy immediately says: "I'm getting tired of your little girl. So I'm gonna give you an ultimatum. You have one week to transfer everything to me or you'll find your fiancee on your doorstep in a week, in a bodybag." I'm suddenly blinded by pain. Apparently Micheal drove a knife into my back. And Hugo uses the cattle prod on me. I can vaguely hear Leo calling my name over my screams. When I can take a breather and Hugo removes the towel from my mouth, Guy presses the phone to my ear and says: "You have 20 seconds."

"Leo?" "Rose, I'm sorry. I'm doing everything I can to find you but..." "Leo, listen to me. I know you are doing everything you can. And I hope you find me. But if you don't, I want you to know, I love you.

Guy pulls the phone away from my ear and signals to his men to continue. This time Micheal presses the cattle prod to my stomach and hits the on-button. Hugo drives another knife into my back. And the last thing I hear Guy saying is: "Sorry about the baby by the way. Hope to hear your decision soon." Then I pass out again. 

When I woke in my cell, I found Hugo next to me. He stayed with me until we heard footsteps in the hallway. He quietly stood up and walk to the door, opening it an inch to look if there was someone. When he saw no one he opened the door completely, only to find Guy on the other side. Hugo says: "Bo--" But Guy doesn't even let him finish before he rips Hugo's heart out. Hugo falls to the floor and Guy says: "Did you really think I didn't notice you two, never underestimate me. So don't even think of escaping or fighting me, we both know who would win that battle." He turns around leaving me with Hugo's body, which is already growing cold. I walk to the body and close his eyes, quietly whispering: "I'm so sorry Hugo, I will never forget what you did for me. Rest in Peace." Before I move to the other side of the cell, I take of Hugo's necklace. He told me it was his mothers necklace and I don't want Guy to have it. I place it around my neck and move to the other corner of the cell. Trying not to look at Hugo.

When I'm in the corner of my cell, I grip the necklace and everything goes black immediately. 

I see Leo standing in front of a table, one with my body on it, while saying some kind of Latin spell. I see his life force draining, but it isn't disappearing. It's flowing into my body. But Leo is fading quickly while doing the spell. He isn't going to be able to finish it if he continuous like this. But then his dad, mom, hope, his cousin I vaguely remember from the wedding and someone from who I can't see his face move towards Leo and all put one hand on Leo, all giving a part of their life force to save me. Then Leo finishes his last sentence and collapses onto the floor, simultaneously with me awakening. 

Then I'm back in my cell, crying my eyes out because Leo is going to die to save me. And I can't take anyone else dying because of me. 

-Leo's point of view

-Leo's house 

"Dad, have you found her location? Please tell me you've got something." "Patience, Leo. I almost got it." I slam my fist into the wall and say: "No, no patience. She has been gone for 2 weeks and I can't take it anymore. He is torturing her. She lost the baby and I am not with her to help her through that." I want to slam the wall again but someone holds my fist in place and when I look over my shoulder I find Hope. She says: "We all miss her Leo, but you can't take it out on us while we ware also doing our best to find her. So man up and have patience." She lets go of my fist and hugs me. I hug her back and say: "Thank you Hope." I pull away, look her in the eyes and say to her: "Rose should be very happy to have you as her sister. Never forget that."

"Found it! I found her location." I sprint to my dad. "Where?" I ask him. "At the old harbor, the old boat storage." I'm already walking towards the armory before I even notice. I grab a long knife and my gun. I walk back to the rest and say: "I'm going alone. And when I get back Rose will be with me and Guy will be in a bodybag." I turn around and walk to the front door. Saying to myself:

"Prepare yourself Guy. You're gonna regret ever taking her away from me."

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