Chapter 15: The second date

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- 3 weeks later

It's been three weeks since I killed Guy, Leo hasn't woken up yet but I feel his life force growing stronger by the minute and I've been stepping up as temporary alpha. Just to make sure everything is running smoothly when Leo wakes up. 

I arrive at the hospital, at 2 p.m. every day to see him. I walk up to his room, take a seat next to the bed and take his hand in mine. "Hey, babe. It's me again, everything is going great at the house...." I hold back tears, while I go to lay next to him in the bed. I put my hand on his chest and say: "Please, Leo. I can feel your life force, it's whole again. I just want you to wake up, okay? I thought I lost you when Guy took me at our wedding, you thought you lost me when Guy killed me and I thought I lost you again when you brought me back to life. I just can't keep going like this without you by my side. I love you Leo, please wake up." I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes, letting the tears roll down my face. I let all my memories with Leo cross my mind. I'm almost out of memories when I feel a hand on my head, pulling my from my thoughts. 

I look up and look right into Leo's eyes, "Hey," is the first thing he says, and the last thing before I kiss him like I've never done before. After a full minute he breaks the kiss and says: "I missed you too, and I promise I'll stay by your side forever." "You heard everything I said the past weeks?" He places one hand on my cheek and says: "Yes, I did. So I also heard you calling me.. what was it again? A complete asshole prick motherf***er? Yes, that's right." I feel my cheeks glow bright red but before I can answer he kisses me again.

- 1 week later

 "Rose, Leo is waiting for you downstairs! Get your ass down here!" Hope yells from the other side of the door. Tonight Leo is going to take me out, I don't know where but he said it would be amazing. I put the last bobby pin in my hair and leave the room. I stop at the top of the stairs to look at Leo and let me tell you, he looks handsome. I reach the bottom of the stairs and walk over to Leo, whispering in his ear: "You know I can't wait to rip those clothes of of you." I see his cheeks glowing red before he clears his throat and says: "Shall we?" While opening the front door for me. I walk to the car, I want to get in but there is a blindfold on my seat. Leo stops at his side of the car and says: "Told you it was a surprise, so put on the blindfold. Otherwise it won't be a surprise anymore." I roll my eyes, get in the car and out on the blindfold. 

It feels like we've been driving for hours when Leo finally stops the car, and gets out. A couple seconds later my door opens and Leo says: "I want to show you something." He takes my hand and helps me out of the car. Then he takes both my hands and starts guiding me somewhere. 

After walking for a few minutes he puts my hands on a railing and stands behind me, he starts to count down from five: "Five, four, three, two, one." And removes the blindfold. 

My eyes take a minute to adjust but when I see where I am. I'm speechless. I see a beautiful lake with a waterfall, trees, flowers everywhere. I turn around to face Leo and ask him: "Where are we? It's beautiful." "This is where my dad proposed to my mom. And since my first proposal and our wedding didn't go exactly as planned. I wanted to do it again. But this time there won't be anything to stop me from marrying you." He drops to one knee and says: "Rose, I've loved you since the moment I met you, and I want to fall in love with you all over again every time I see you. So Rose, will you marry me?" "Yes! Of course!" I wrap my arms around him tightly and I let the tears roll all over again. I know I said I never cry but when I'm with Leo I can just let my emotions run free and at this moment these tears are happy tears. Nothing is coming between us, I'll make sure of it. 

- That night

Me and Leo are in bed when he suddenly asks the question: "What happened to you when you died? Since you were dead , you're soul must have wound up somewhere. Do you remember anything?" I've been waiting for him to ask this question, I need to talk to someone about it. 

"I was with my parents." He looks shocked for a moment but gestures me to continue. "And I was talking to them when I felt something. Which turned out to be you pulling me back to you. At first I didn't want to leave my parents behind, I didn't want to lose them again." I turn to look him in the eyes, I place  one hand on his cheek and say: "I'm gonna show you our conversation. Okay?" "You can do that?" "Yeah, I've been practicing a lot while you were out." I close my eyes and pull him into my memories.

"Mom, dad. I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose you again. I just can't." My mom says: "Honey, you never lost us. We've always bee looking over you and Hope. But now it's time to let Leo watch over you too. He loves you with all his heart Rose. You've heard every word he has said to you. And you love him just as much. Don't let us hold you back from being with the one person that makes you whole, who makes you happy and loved. Be with the man you love, and when it's your time we'll be here. No matter how long we have to wait. We'll always be with you." I start crying and wrap them both in a tight hug while saying: "I love you both so much." I pull back and turn towards the light. I look over my shoulder one last time, mouthing to them: I love you. They both say: "We love you too." I turn back towards the light and walk straight through it. Waking up in this bedroom. 

Leo wraps his arm around me, pulling me against him. Letting the tears flow once again. "Rose, thank you for telling me. And I promise you, I'll always watch over you, and love you with all my heart. Just like your parents told you." He places a gentle kiss on top of my head before I let myself drift to sleep.

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