Chapter 14: Revenge

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I'm 5 minutes away from Guy's location.

I'm 5 minutes away from ripping him apart.

I'm 5 minutes away from having my life back. 

I stop the car, get out and walk to the front door. It's locked, of course, I turn around. Aim my foot at the door and kick it in. Nobody is in the first room. I enter the house and search every single room. No sign of Guy anywhere. Then all the hairs in my neck stand up and I turn around, looking right through the back door. Guy is standing, with his hands behind his back, in the backyard. 

I take the knife and drench it in wolfs bane before I slip it back into my coat. Then I raise my gun and walk out the backdoor. Guy notices me and says: "Look who decided to come back from the death. I don't mind it now I can kill you a second time." His eyes turn gold. My heart skips a beat, he's a moon wolf too. I point my gun to his forehead and say: "Why? Just why? Why did you kill my mom, why did you kill all those other werewolves and why, just why, did you enter my visions?" "He turns around to look at the horizon and gestures me to stand besides him. I hesitate for a moment but then decide to lower the gun and stand beside him. "Your mother was a beautiful woman, and the love of my life. We met at a club, we bumped into each other and started talking. I was mesmerized by her. After that night we went on a few more dates and after a few months we decided to live together, I fell in love with her, until your mom met your dad and I was completely pushed out of her life. And then came the day she told me she was leaving me for him. And when I took her arm to stop her from leaving she plunged a syringe into my thigh, filled with wolfs bane, and left, leaving me concussions on the floor. I felt so betrayed that I wanted everyone that ever meant something to your mother dead. And that 'family' mostly consisted out of Moon wolfs." He stops talking to let that sink in. "So I spent 18 years hunting Moon wolfs, when I finally heard rumors about your mothers location. I started asking around and found that your mom and dad were gonna be driving home late that night. So I thought why not kill 2 birds with one stone." I felt my heartbeat rising, this man is talking about my parents' death like it's an everyday thing. "And when they drove by I slammed into the side of their car, making them drive of the road. Your dad was death on impact, pathetic 'normal' wolf," I fell my wolf trying to get out of her cage, but I can't yet. I need to know what happened that night, "Of course it didn't take your mom long to know what was going to happen. But before she could even say more then my name I hauled her out of the car and threw her to the other side of the road. I pulled a large silver knife from my belt and walked to your mom, when I reached her she was already making an effort to get up, but placed the knife coated in the same substances as those bullets right at the spot where her heart beats beneath her skin." My eyes already turned gold, I can see it in Guy' face. He is getting nervous for some reason. "And then I plunged it into her heart, simple as that I killed the love of my life and the mother of my only daughter." He looks at me while saying those last three words. 

I stagger back. No, this can't be. He isn't my dad. My dad would never kill my mother. I say to him: "No, you're lying! My dad is dead." "Guy looks at me and says: "I am your dad, and I have proof for it. You see when I was doing tests on your blood, my computer somehow gave a notification that your blood was linked to mine. So after another test I found out you are in fact my daughter. 

Everything is just too much right now. I grab my head and fall to my knees, I can't hold the tears back anymore. But there is also a rage building up inside me. I can barely hold it in. And when I think about it, 

I don't want to hold it in. 

I let go of my head and look up to Guy with my golden eyes on full display. And for some reason he looks terrified of me right now. I jump up and push him to the ground. I straddle his legs and wrap both of my hands around his throat. "Why do you look so terrified of me?" I ask him, not knowing if I want to hear the answer. It takes him a minute before he says: "Because you are way more powerful than any other werewolf out there. Both your parents are Moon wolfs. That's why you get visions, that's why I'm terrified of my own daughter when she transforms. Because she is just too powerful for me." And by saying that I lose my grip on his legs and throat for a second. And Guy only needs that second to completely turn the roles. 

Now I am underneath him. He holds both my hands above my head and says to me: "But you could never beat me, your own father. Because you are too scared to release your full wolf" The rage inside me starts to crack her cage, my golden eyes get brighter, my nails get longer. All my painful memories slam into me, my mom and dad murdered, thinking Guy killed Sam, the never ending torture, my death and Leo almost dying trying to save me. Every memory slams into the cage of my wolf. And when the last memory, Guy - my dad - killing my mom, slams into the cage it breaks. Releasing my wolf. 

I jump up, grab Guy' shirt and push him into the wall. I take my knife out and stab him in his abdomen four times, since he also shot me four time, and when I stab him for the fourth time I leave the knife in him. 

I place my long nails at the skin covering his heart. And I slowly push my nails into his skin. I'm slowly digging my way towards his heart, and Guy can't do a thing about it. When I can feel his heart with the tips of my nails I lean towards Guy' ear and whisper: "This is my mom," I stick one finger into his heart, "This is for killing me and bringing Leo in danger," I stick two more fingers into his heart, feeling his heartbeat slowing down, "And this," I plunge the last two fingers into his heart, "Is for every single Moon wolf you killed." I wait a couple seconds, and when his heartbeat almost stops I say: "Goodbye, father." 

I rip his heart out his chest. Finally releasing myself of this nightmare. 

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