Chapter 1: The First Meeting

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- Present 

I'm standing at the ticket sale of the Ferris wheel tonight and I'm already regretting that I agreed to do this job. I have to stand here selling tickets for 5 hours straight, no break, not even a bathroom break. I thought my night was only going to be worse until I smelled something: wolf. There was another werewolf on the fare, but I didn't know this scent. Then I feel someone breathing down my neck. I turn around and look into light blue eyes. 

"Well hello there, can I get a ticket for the Ferris wheel?" Asks the handsome stranger.

"Uhhh, yes of course. Here you go" I give him the ticket and turn around so I can blush without him seeing. Then he clears his throat and says: "Would you like to go with me?"

I almost instantly get a panic attack knowing how high that wheel is, he seems to notice and takes me to the side. 

There he says: "Hey, deep breaths. Everything's fine. If you don't want to come you don't have to." After a few deep breaths, I manage to say: "I'm afraid of heights, but I have this feeling that I can't describe that says I can trust you. So I would like to go with you." 

He takes my hand and leads me to one of the carriages, I sit down and almost immediately regret it but  I feel a hand covering mine which makes me a bit more relaxed. We sit like this for a minute when he finally says: "So, you're a wolf too? What pack?" I knew he was gonna ask this question. So I say: "Yes, I'm a wolf but I rarely transform, my mom told me that I can only transform when I train my sister. And I don't have a pack, I have my sister and she's all I need."

"Okay, but aren't your parents in a pack?" "No. My parents died 4 years ago." He doesn't know what to say. So I speak: "It's okay, I learned to live with it. My mom gave me this pendant a week before she died." I pull my moon pendant from underneath my shirt. "It helps me contain my wolf." 

"Why would you want to contain your wolf? Isn't it amazing when you can transform and just be free?" He asks very curiously. I answer: "I love to let my wolf out, she's just hard to put back. I have shown my eyes at a lot of people but everyone that sees them walks away like they're scared."

"Can you show me your eyes? These are my wolf eyes, I always have them on display," he says pointing to his eyes, "Don't be afraid to show who you are. I promise I won't walk away like everybody else does." I take a deep breath and close my eyes, letting my wolf out just a little bit to change my eyes. Then I open them and he looks mesmerized. 

"You know you have beautiful eyes, right? I don't know why people would run away when seeing them." I close my eyes again to lock my wolf back up, I keep my eyes closed and say: "You know, I kinda feel a connection with you. I don't know what it is but I feel safe when I'm with you even though I don't even know your name." I open my eyes when I feel his hands slide into mine. "My name is Leo and I believe that you're feeling that way because you are my mate." I look into his eyes to see if he is lying or not and I can see he is genuinely happy to say it. "My name is Rose and Leo, I'm very happy that I'm your mate." 

Then the Ferris wheel stops at the bottom and we get out of the carriage. We walk to a bench around the corner and sit down. 

He says with a sparkle in his eyes: "Do you want to go on a date with me next Saturday? Because I would love to get to know my mate." "I would love to go on a date with you." "Shall I pick you up at 7 p.m.?" "Yes, please. But first, give me your phone." He gives me his phone and I put my number in it. "Here you go, now excuse me I have to go home because otherwise, my sister will think I'm dead." I stand up and walk away, but halfway down the road I turn my head and blow him a kiss. He immediately starts blushing and looks away.

10 minutes later I arrive at home, where I'm greeted by a sleeping Hope on the couch clutching our mom's blanket. Since they died she won't lose it out of her sight. Too afraid to lose the one thing that reminds us of our mom. 

I tuck her in and go to my bedroom where I see that Leo send me a text saying : 

- Goodnight my Luna -

I put my phone away and go to sleep, dreaming about our time at the fare.

Moon Omens (Will be rewritten in the near future)Where stories live. Discover now