
18 1 0

- 4 years later

Leo and I have been happily married for 4 years now. 3,5 years ago we welcomed two little beans into our world. Jess and Hugo. One named after my mother and the other after the person that died helping me escape Guy. They're amazing kids. Hugo is already very protective over his sister. Even though Jess is 2 minutes older than him. But that's gonna be blackmail material for her when she gets older. And they both get to protect their little brother or sister since I'm pregnant again. 2 months, I just haven't told Leo yet. But tonight I'm gonna tell him. 

Leo has been an amazing father and Alpha. I couldn't wish for a better husband. And I think there is another wedding hanging in the air. I overheard Sam talking to Sam the other night and since Sam and Hope have been in a relationship the past 3 years and I heard the words 'ring', 'love', and the sentence 'go for it'. I'm pretty sure somewhere these upcoming days Hope is gonna run into my bedroom hysterically with a ring around her finger. Time will tell. 

- That night

Leo and I are lying in bed, watching Supernatural. When I look up into Leo's eyes and just blurt out: "What would you think of expending our family?" Leo is taken aback for a second before saying: "Nothing would make me happier, why?" I look at my belly the same way I looked at it during our wedding and Leo immediately gets the message, because he immediately kisses me, next he moves to my belly saying: "Hey little one, I'm your dad. And I can't wait to meet you," He moves back to me, kissing me again before wrapping me in his arms and saying: "What would I do without you, my love." "I think you'd be lost without me." I kiss him before falling asleep in his arms. 

I feel safe, loved and happy. After my parents died I was in a dark place, like most people would be. But Leo brought light to that dark place. He pulled me out of the dark place and showed me what it's like to be loved. And I love him for everything he did for me. I can't imagine my life without him anymore. I love him with my whole heart and I'm gonna show him. 

Till death do us part. 


Thank you guys so much for reading my first ever story on Wattpad. 

I'm gonna work on 4 new stories for you guys, so stay tuned!


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