Chapter 10: Everybody dies... some earlier then others.

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-Rose's point of view

Guy opens the door of my cell. "Out. Now. We're expecting you precious fiance any minute now. We don't want him waiting now, do we?" A wave of nausea passes through me. Leo found me and now he's going to walk straight into Guy's trap. 

Guy and me stand in the middle of the room, he has his arms around my throat and his gun pressed against my temple. I feel like we've been standing here for hours. I have no idea what is gonna happen when someone walks through that door but I know one thing: I'm not gonna let anybody die because they tried to save me, not after Hugo and... Sam. I hold back tears, I'm not gonna be weak in front of Guy. Never. Suddenly I hear a faint sound, it sounds like crunching leaves, someone is coming and I'm not ready for it. 

Leo storms inside, weapons drawn, but stops the second he sees me. "Drop the knife, Leo." Guy says and he tightens his arm around my neck when Leo doesn't respond. Leo, still unsure, puts his knife on the floor and kicks it in a different direction. Then starts to walk to us slowly. "Not a step further, little boy. I'm calling the shots here. Not you." Guy says to Leo, threatening to snap my neck if he goes one step further. 

"So have you made your decision? Will you choose your lovely fiancee or your pack? Time's ticking." Leo meets my eyes, I can see the battle in his mind. Not wanting either me or his pack to suffer because of his choices. One he has to make in the next minute otherwise I'm death. "I have another proposal for you," Leo says, trying to sound confident but failing miserably, "You give Rose back to me and when we get home safe, I'll give you my pack. Deal?" Guy says, highly annoyed: "Like I said I'm calling the shots in here, since I have your love at my mercy. You will follow my deal: You hand over the pack and then I'll give you Rose back. No negotiation. Nothing. That's it, take it or leave it." "I want Rose beside me when I give you the pack." Leo counters. After thinking for a whole minute Guy finally says: "Fine, but if you try something she dies." He takes the gun of my temple and presses it onto my lower back. Threatening to blow my intestines to bits if I make one wrong move. 

Leo stands roughly 20 feet from me, on the other side of the room. I hear Guy loading his gun when I start walking, I walk very slow but not too slow. I met Leo's eyes and connected with him through our mind link. 

"You have something up your sleeve don't you?" I ask him.

"Yes, I have. And I want you to run to me as fast as possible when I signal the men outside." He answers. 

"I don't know if I'll be fast enough, he gave me a last dose of wolfs bane before he pulled me from my cell. But I'll get into your arms again, no matter what. I love you" I said to him and before he could answer I shut the mind link down.  

I was still walking when I looked out the window and saw men of the Lunar pack closing in on the building. I hope this goes right. And not like my visions. I look to Leo and not 10 seconds later he gives a shout: "NOW!" I start running as fast as I can. But my legs won't go to my full speed. I'm 5 feet away from Leo when I hear gunshots. Dozens, coming from every direction. 

Then I see Leo's face, horrified by what's behind me. I turn around. And four bullets pierce the skin of my chest. One into me left lung, One into my kidney, obliterating it, One into my right lung and the last one, the one that brings me down to the floor, right into my sternum. But I don't hit the floor, instead Leo catches me, and cradles me in his arms. I look in Guy's direction, lock eyes with him one last time before he jumps through a window and runs for his life. 

Leo has one arm holding me up and his other hand is trying to stop holes from bleeding but it doesn't matter anymore. I'm gonna die right here right now and I can't do anything about it. But I don't care if I die or not. I don't want Leo to give his life to bring me back. 

-Leo's point of view

I cradle Rose in my arms, but I see her fading. Her wolf eyes shine through. Showing that her healing is doing it's best but failing miserably. "No, Rose please. I can't lose you. Not again. Not ever. Please stay with me." I desperately say to her. She manages to bring out after a couple of deep breaths: "Leo, I've seen all of this happen already, I didn't know who would shoot me but I already knew I wouldn't get out of the building alive, " She coughs up some blood before continuing, "I also saw what you are gonna do when you bring me- my body- home. You're gonna do some kind of ritual. In which I come back to life but you give your life to do so, " She coughs up even more blood this time and I press her even closer to me, "Don't do it. No matter what. Because I will kill you myself if you do." She manages a little smile. I say to her: "I can't promise anything, I can't live without you. Do you know what torture these last weeks have been without you. I just can't do that forever." Rose brings her hand up to my cheek, I hold it there because she hasn't got the strength to do so. "Promise me, please. Let me rest." she says, looking me in the eye, showing me her pain, the pain she has endured these last weeks and her pain right now. "I promise. I love you so much Rose, I always will." In one last effort she says: "I love you t--" Her hand drops to her side, her golden eyes fade and her eyes close. 

She's gone.

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