Chapter 11: Everybody has a breaking point

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- Leo's point of view

I picked Rose up and walked past my men. All of them hanging their heads. Not being able to look me in the eye after failing me and Rose. I walk to the car and carefully lay Rose on the back seat. I go sit next to her and place her head on my lap. One of the guys takes the front seat and drives us back to my house. 

One of the guys parks the car around the back and walks inside, informing everyone of our return. Everybody walks out happy, knowing I brought Rose back to them. But when they see me carry Rose to the house, their smiles fade, replaced by sadness. Hope falls to her knees saying: "No, no, no, she said she would never leave me." And starts crying, my mom tries to sooth her but has no luck. I walk past them, up the stairs and place Rose on our bed, my dad walks after me and stops me when I try to walk downstairs again. He pulls me into a hug and says: "What happened? I thought you had a plan." I pull away, being on the egde of crying, I say: "I had a plan, Guy just had a different one." I walk past him to one of the spare bedrooms, shut the door, lock it. And I break down a second after I close the door. 

- 1 hour later

I've calmed down a bit when someone knocks on the door. "Leo, please let me in, man." says a familiar voice. I stand up and open the door to find Sam, leaning against the wall. Not being able to carry his whole weight yet. "You shouldn't be out of bed." I say to him. But he counters with: "And you should be letting people in, instead of pushing everyone away. I know you're hurting, but so are we. Rose meant a lot to us to." I signal him to enter the room, and I shut the door behind him. Wrapping him a tight hug, without hurting him I say: "I just don't know what to do. Before she died, she told me had 2 visions, one of her death and the other about me doing a ritual which brought her back to life but killed me. She made me promise not to do the ritual, but I just can't live my life knowing I failed to protect her." Tears well up in my eyes again, I feel Sam's hands on my cheeks, his eyes looking right into mine while he says: "You didn't fail, you did everything you could and she knows it. Now, why don't we go look which ritual she was talking about and then we figure something out. Deal?" I think about it for a second and say: "Deal." "Now let's go downstairs there are people waiting for you." 

The second I step into the kitchen Hope wraps me in a tight hug. I hug her back. After a minute she lets go and says: "Can I see her?" "If you want to, she's in my bedroom." "Thank you for bringing her home." She says, pulling me in for another brief hug and then she disappears up the stairs. I go sit at the dining table and after a few minutes I hear Hope crying. I take a deep breath and say: "I have a plan how to bring Rose back, I just need to find it first." My mom looks confused and says: "What do you need to find?" "Some kind of ritual, with which you can bring someone back from the death. Rose told me she had a vision of me doing it. So I think it is somewhere in the library." "Then let's go find it." says my dad. 

The four of us go to the library. We split up in pairs, mom and dad, me and Sam, and both begin on opposite sides of the library. After 3 hours of searching we haven't found anything when my mom suddenly says: "I've  been thinking about this for the last hour and I just don't get how those bullets could kill Rose, even if they were filled with wolfs bane and made of silver, her being a moon wolf should have been enough to overcome it. So, Leo, is it okay with you if I extract the bullets and do some research on them, and on Rose's blood." I just nod. My mom leaves the rest of us behind as she goes to the bedroom. "Okay, anybody found anything yet?" I look over the books one more time when my dad calls me and Sam to him. "I think I found it. This ritual says that if the deceased one is your mate, you can bring him or her back by giving a part of your own life force." "Let's do it." I say immediately. "There is a chance that it doesn't  work or that you die. And we need to do before we reach the time limit. Which is 48 hours. So we need to do it today or tomorrow before sun down. Otherwise it won't work anymore." My dad counters." "Then we do it tonight, when mom finishes the bullets, we do the ritual. I don't care if it kills me, at least Rose will have her life back." 

- 1 hour later

Mom enters the kitchen with the results from the bullets. "Guy found the only way how to kill a moon wolf. A combination of silver, wolfs bane, mistletoe, mountain ash and belladonna. Everything in the right amount is lethal to a moon wolf. And my suspicion is that Guy used the same combination to kill Rose's mother, Jess. But it won't give any trouble during the ritual." "Thank you, mom." "No problem honey, at least now we know what actually happened with those bullets." 

"Let's prepare everything. Where are we gonna do it?" I ask. "Let's just do it upstairs in the bedroom. That's where she already is, so I think that will do just fine. Do you have the whole ritual with you?" I pat the book on the counter, "Yes, everything is ready." 

"Then let's bring your girl back." My dad says.

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