Chapter 6: I do?

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"As soon as possible. I want to be married before this little one is here." I say to Sam and indirectly to Leo. "So, Leo, you and I have some things to talk about. Bye guys." I take Leo's hand and we walk to our bedroom where we talk about the wedding, the little human growing inside me and our future.

-Wedding day

I can't believe I'm about to get married to the love of my life. It's been a month since I told him about my pregnancy and he couldn't have been a better future father. He started working on the nursery as soon as we planned everything for the wedding. In a month we will know if we have a boy or a girl. But now I just hope I fit my wedding dress, my belly has grown a little bit since the last fitting. And I'm gonna get married in my mother's wedding dress, I've always said I would wear it on my wedding day and besides that, I'm also wearing my mom and dad's wedding rings in a necklace. So they are still with me when I walk down the aisle. 

Freya helps me into my dress and it still fits perfectly, Freya puts the last finishing touches on my hair and then she puts my veil on. I turn around to look in the mirror and me and Freya have to hold back tears, Freya says to me: "You look exactly like your mother on her wedding day." She takes my hands in hers, "They are looking down on you right now and they are proud of you, remember that. Even though they aren't here, they will always be by your side, no matter what." I wrap her in a hug and say: "Thank you Freya, you've become like a second mother to me. I want to thank you for being here for me whenever I needed you. Thank you." "You don't have to thank me, honey. You and Hope are like the daughters I never had." She let's go of me when there is a knock on the door. Hunter enters the room and says: "You look beautiful Rose. Shall we get you to your future husband?" "Only if you walk me down the aisle." Hunter takes a full minute to let the question sink in, finally, he says: "I would love to walk you down the aisle." Then Freya looks on her watch and says: "Go, go. Everybody is waiting for the bride." 

We hurry downstairs and take our places. Hunter and I are waiting until the music starts and the doors are opened. I loop my arms through his and we start walking. I look up to see Leo and he has already started crying, so I start to. When I arrive at the altar I give Hunter a kiss on the cheek and look up to Leo. But then I see something in the woods behind him, the same eyes I saw that night at the restaurant. Those dark red eyes are after me and I don't know why.

I turn my attention back to Leo and take his hands in mine. Just to reassure myself he is here and he'll always will be. The pastor starts the ceremony and I feel nervous, excited, happy, and terrified at the same time. I love this man and I wouldn't want to marry anyone else but I still doubt myself if I can ever find true happiness that's when I remember the rings I'm wearing, they remember me that my parents are watching and will support me no matter what I decide. And I already decided the moment I met this man I would marry him. I get wrenched out of my thoughts when I smell something. Wolfsbane. Just at the moment, the pastor says: "Is there anyone against this marriage? Speak now or be silent for--" 

Tin cans are thrown around us and everyone notices just a second too late what's in them. Wolfsbane. Everybody that inhales it goes down immediately. All unconscious. But me, Leo, Sam, and Hope are left standing. I whirl around when I hear someone coming from behind. He has a knife in one hand and a gun in the other. He aims the gun at Hope and pulls the trigger. 

But it only grazes her and with all this happening she faints. He pulls out another gun, a tranquilizer gun, he whistles, and three other men walk in our directing, cutting off any escape path we had. That's when I say: "What the hell do you want from us? I don't even know you!" "But I know you, says a voice, one that is strangely familiar but I can't put my finger on it. And before I know me, Leo and Sam are held in our place by 3 guys, who just came out of nowhere. The mystery guy walks up to me, grabs my chin, and takes a good look at my face. Until he finally says: "You look just like your mother. And you have here temper too. Feisty." He let's go of me walks to Leo and Sam. He gives them a one-over and when he decides there no threat he walks back to his previous spot and says: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Guy and I'm gonna tell you a little story. Many, many years ago I was in love, just like you too. But then your father came around," he says while pointing to me, "He took your mother from me. And from the day your mother left me, I took an oath to kill every single one of those moon wolfs. And when I killed your mother years ago, your father being there was just, wrong place wrong time." He is pissing me off more than he thinks, but I have to keep my wolf in her cage otherwise I'll kill everyone I see. "I thought I killed every single one of them, but I got word of one last moon wolf hidden somewhere in the city. And that led me to you." I see him pulling something out of his pocket, a syringe filled with a yellowish liquid. Wolfsbane. Then I notice the guys holding Leo and Sam do the same.

I get pushed forward right into Guy's arms. He grabs me by the throat and says: "At first I wanted to kill you fast and be over with it, but then I heard your mate is the alpha of the Lunar pack. So I'm just gonna torture you until he gives me what I want." Suddenly I hear a growl behind me and I see Sam's wolf taking over. Guy gives the man holding Leo a sign and the man plunges the syringe into Leo's neck. He screams and goes down, I try to run to him but at the same time, I feel a sharp sting in my neck. When I place my hand on the spot I feel a syringe. My vision gets blurry when I pull it out. That's when I see Sam launch himself onto Guy. But Guy is faster and pulls out a gun, aims at Sam's chest and pulls the trigger five times. My vision gets blurrier by the second and Sam and I go down at the same time. I turn my head towards Sam because I know I'm gonna pass out any second now. We lock eyes and he whispers: "I'm sorry sis. Love you." Then the light fades out of his eyes and I fall into darkness.

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