Chapter 2: The Date

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- Saturday evening

"Hope! Did you see my purse?" I call from my room. It's 6.55 p.m. Leo will be here in 5 minutes and I'm freaking out. First, because he is my mate and second because I haven't been on a date in 4 years. The night my parents died I went on a date, I really wanted to talk about it with my mom... Enough with the sadness, I'm gonna have the night of my life and I know my parents would want me to go.

-5 minutes later

"Rose! Your date is here! Get your pretty ass downstairs." My sister almost screams through the house. Okay, let's do it. I go downstairs and see Leo in the doorway and my breath hitches in my throat. He is wearing a crisp white blouse, combed his dark brown hair in perfect shape and he has that same sparkle in his eyes as last night. This is going to be a night that I won't forget very soon.

"Hey Rose, you look very beautiful." He says very shy. "Thank you." I say even shyer. Then my sister says while pushing us both out the door: "Okay lovebirds, have fun tonight." But before Leo can walk away, she takes his arm and says: "I might be her little sister and not an alpha like you, but if you break her heart. I. will. break. you." I can see Leo shrink a bit by her words, but he regains his composure and says: "I won't. I loved her from the moment I saw her." Then he walks away, takes my hand and together we walk to his car.

-1 hour later, at a nice restaurant

"Did you ever consider not becoming the alpha? Have you ever thought about saying no?" I ask him, we've been talking about all kinds of things, his pack, my parents, etc. "No, I always wanted to become the alpha, so when my brother said no to becoming the alpha, my dream came true. And now I've found my Luna, being the alpha got even better." He winks at me, "What do you say, let's get out of here. I have something to show you." Leo pays while I wait outside for him. While waiting I get this feeling someone is staring at me. I look around and suddenly look right into a pair of dark red eyes. Another wolf. I try to figure out his face but the only thing I see is his eyes. Then a feel a hand on my shoulder and look away. "Hey, what's wrong?" Leo asks me, looking worried. I look back to the spot, the man is gone, and say: "Nothing, let's go. You wanted to show me something right?" We walk to the car hand-in-hand, I look behind me one more time but see nothing. I must have imagined it.

Leo takes me to a quiet park. We sit down on a bench and Leo takes my hands in his and says while looking into my eyes: "Rose, I want you to know that I had an amazing night. I never thought my mate would be such an amazing, beautiful, and funny girl. I am very glad happy that I met you." We both stay in silence looking into each other's eyes. I see the moonlight reflecting in his eyes, which makes them even more beautiful. Before I know it, he presses his lips against mine, for a moment I'm shocked but I almost immediately kiss him back.

But then I'm in a black void. I don't know where I am but when I want to walk away it's like I'm stuck. Then I go rigid. I see Leo lying dead on the floor, with me on the background tied to a chair. I don't know what is happening but when I try to look away I can't, no matter how hard I try. I can see the edges of the vision blurring away when another man walks towards Leo. He kneels down and says: "How unfortunate, your mate is coming to save you and you let him die. You can easily take me in a fight. So why don't you? Too afraid to let your wolf out. Too afraid you won't be able to lock her back up." He steps over Leo and walks toward me, bound to the chair. He whispers something in my ear, but I can't hear it. All of a sudden I'm back in the park, lying on the grass, looking right into Leo's eyes. Tears well up in my eyes and I launch myself at him, almost crushing him in a hug. We stay like this for what feels like hours, but Leo pulls back after a minute, looks me in the eye and asks: "Rose, hey, what happened?"

I swallow my tears and say: "I saw you, dead. On the floor. With me in the background tied to a chair. I don't know what it was." I start crying again, Leo wraps his arms around me and whispers in my ear: "Shh, I love you and I promise I will always be here for you." We stay like this for a couple of minutes. Then he lets me go and says: "Let's go to my parents they will know what to do." He takes my hand and together we go to his car. To his parents. 

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