Chapter 7: Let the torture begin

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It's been a week since I've been taken and the only thing that has happened is some random guy bringing me food and water three times a day. That's when I hear a door open on the other side of the hallway. The man that always brings me food and water, his name is Hugo, opens the door of my cell and says: "Boss wants to see you." He steps inside my cell and tells me to put my hands behind my back. I feel the cold metal of cuffs grazes my wrists but they start to burn my skin, silver cuffs, great. Seems like Guy doesn't trust me very much. Why would that be? 

Guy is sitting on his so-called "throne" with a smirk on his face I would gladly slap off of it. Then he starts talking: "How nice of you to join us, I was about to call that fiance of yours." He takes his phone out of his pocket and dials Leo's phone number, it goes for about 5 seconds before Leo picks up: "Guy, I want my mate back right now!" "Easy there little alpha, I still have her life in my hands so don't even think about threatening me. Now... I was gonna call you to talk about giving you your fiancee back for something in exchange." "What could you possibly want from me?" "Your territory and pack members." I stay very quiet on the other side of the line. When Leo finally wants to speak I say: "Don't do it, Leo, don't even think about handing over the pack. I'll manage over here while you look for me. Don't wor--" Guy suddenly stands before me and punches me in the stomach, before I even get the chance to look up he grabs my chin and says: "You're lucky I still need you otherwise, you would already be in a body bag." He puts the phone back to his ear just in time to hear Leo say: "--Don't you dare touch her again, I swear when I find you, you're gonna wish you were never born." Guy answers most terrifyingly:  "As I said boy don't test me. I could easily kill your little girlfriend here, but I won't because I want something from you." He signals to Hugo to take me away. I struggle as Hugo grabs my arms and picks me up. But before I can even try to fight back, Hugo places some kind of handkerchief over my mouth and whispers: "Easy now, I got you." And I'm out before I can even comprehend what I'm inhaling. Wolfsbane, again.

-2 hours later

I wake up in a chair, my wrists and ankles tied down so tight they cut into my skin when I move them. I still feel a bit dizzy, but then I find the source of it. I'm attached to an IV slowly pumping wolfsbane into my system. Just to keep me calm. He's afraid of me, of what I can do. And when I get out of this I swear I'm gonna kill him. 

The door in front of me opens and Guy and Hugo enter. Hugo is carrying a bag filled with, what I can hear, metal objects. He puts the bag on the table to my right, opens the bag, and goes to stand next to the table. Guy closes the door and walks over to the table, where he starts picking through all of the tools inside the bag until he pulls out a poker, a taser, a hunting knife, and a gas burner. He fires up the gas burner and tells Hugo to hold the poker in the flame. Then he grabs the hunting knife and turns to me. "You have no idea how much I'm going to enjoy this. Torturing the last moon wolf and eventually killing her. As slowly as possible" He presses the tip of the blade into my sternum until I feel blood welling up. "What do you want from Leo," I say while he takes the, now hot, poker from Hugo and turns to me again. "Well, since he is the alpha of one of the most powerful packs in North America. I want his territory and every single member of his pack. And when he gives me that I promised I'd give yo back to him, but I didn't say you'd be alive." "You basta--" I spit out but halfway through he presses the hot poker into my chest and I cry out. He does it again, and again and again until the poker has cooled down. Then he moves on to the next item on his to-use list: the taser. He starts talking again: "When I'm finished with you, Leo won't even recognize you anymore." "You know you really are a pathetic coward. Pumping wolfsbane into my system just to keep me from tearing you apart." I yell at him. But he won't even answer before he shoves the taser against my stomach and pushes the button, 2 times. 20.000 volts go through my body and my vision shorts out for a second. When I come by Guy stands before me with the next item on the list: the hunting knife. Again. He turns both of my arms so the palms of my hands face upwards. He puts the point of the knife in the palm of my hand and slowly moves up my arm, creating a massive cut going from my palm to the pit of my elbow. He does the same on the other side. It hurts so much that my screams just cut out, my body can't take it. My vision keeps shorting out and coming back. Until I completely pass out.

I open my eyes and see I'm on the floor of my cell. Both arms wrapped in gauze. I want to call out to someone when everything goes black.

(A vision)

I lay in Leo's arms, bleeding from my stomach. "Hey stay with me, Rose. You can't leave me. I need you." I feel myself drifting. Further and further into darkness. "No, Rose stay with me. I love you. I want to spend there--" I don't hear him finish the sentence. I get swallowed by the darkness, again. 

I wake again in my cell. Remembering my vision. I'm gonna die. I'm not getting out of here alive. But before I can think about it my cell door opens and Hugo enters. He carries food and water, puts it beside me, and sits across from me. "I thought you would be hungry," He says, with a guilty note in his voice, "How are you feeling? .... Never mind, bad question." I start laughing but I feel a sudden sharp pain in my abdomen. I double over in pain. 

"What is happening?" I say, scared for my life, but more for the little human growing inside me.

Moon Omens (Will be rewritten in the near future)Where stories live. Discover now