Chapter 8: Tests

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I never felt this empty. I just lost the only thing keeping me from tearing Guy apart. I just lost my baby and Guy will suffer for it.

I have to reach Leo in some way. Then it hits me. Our mind link. If I concentrate I can reach him. I move to the corner of my cell. I sit cross-legged on the floor, hands on my knees and eyes closed. I concentrate as hard as I can when I mentally whisper: "Leo, can you hear me?" I keep trying and when I want to stop trying I hear Leo call back: "Rose, are you okay? Are you hurt?" "I'm hurt but healing. But I --" I choke on the message for a second before I regain my composure and say: "Guy went too far. I lost the baby. I'm so sorry." Leo doesn't respond for a whole minute before he says: "No, I'm sorry. I should've protected you. I should've never let him take you from me." "It's not your fault Leo. It's Guys fault. We will get through this together." "Do you have any idea where you are? Do you hear, smell, sense anything?" I concentrate on everything I sense, hear, smell but I come up empty. "I have no clue about where the hell I am." "Don't worry, I'll find you. No matter what." "I know you will. And I'll hang on as lo--" I hear footsteps down the hall. "Someone is coming. I love you. See you soon." "Rose, wai--" But I already shut him out. 

Hugo opens the door and asks me to follow him. At first I decline but then I see him reaching towards his pocket, where I see the faint shape of a syringe. I don't want to be knocked out again so I follow him. He leads me to some kind of lab. Where he ushers me to lie down on a table. I obey and lay down, Hugo tells me to lay my hands and feet on specific places and when he presses a button, four silver clamps hold me captive on the table. I don't like where this is going. Then Guy enters the room and he walks up to me with a grin on his face I don't like. "What are you gonna do this time?" I say to him with a look in my eyes which tells him I'll rip him apart when I have the opportunity. He answers: "I'm gonna test some theories on you. I never got the chance to test hem on your mother so, I thought why not try it on her daughter." He walks to the computer next to my head and pushes some buttons. And before I know it I feel something sting in my back. A needle. Right into my spinal cord pumping some kind of paralyzing substance into me, I start losing feeling in my legs when Guy says: "Can't have you running away from me during my tests." He walks to another computer, so I only see his back. I tilt my head up to see where Hugo is, I lock eyes with him and the only thing I see is regret. He mouths to me: "I'm sorry" and leaves the room. Then Guy turns to me with a needle in his hand. He walks up to me and jabs the needle into my arm, secures it and attaches and IV-line. "I'm gonna give you something that will hopefully trigger a vision. And then I'm gonna try to experience it too." He takes 2 electrodes and places one on each side of my head. Then he pushes the liquid into my veins and I immediately black out. 

I'm in Leo's arms. Dying. I look down to my chest and I see four bullet holes leaking blood. Then Leo starts to talk to me: "Hey, hey. You're going to be just fine." I feel myself fading. "Rose, stay with me. You can't leave me. I need you." He starts crying, but manages to talk further: "I love you so much Rose, I wish I had found you earlier. Then maybe you wouldn't have lost the baby, you wouldn't have been tortu--" I shut him off by placing my hand over his mouth. I say to him: "You did what you could, baby. And I love you for that. So please don't blame yourself for all this." He places one hand on my cheek and says: "I lov--" But I drift away before he finishes his sentence. 

I wake up, still bound to the table, legs still numb. "Well, you have a very bright future ahead of you I see." says Guy with an evil smirk on his face. He pulls the electrodes of my head and walks back to his computer. "I have another test but this one is gonna hurt. I'm gonna give you a small dose of Wolfs bane, mistletoe, mountain ash and belladonna. Which is in a large dose pretty lethal to your kind." He takes the syringe and again pushes the liquid into my veins. But this time I don't remember anything because the second it entered my blood stream I passed out. 

I wake in my cell, bound to a chair. Across from me sits Guy with a phone in his hand. "Good, you're awake. I was about to call your pretty fiance and ask him about our deal." He dials Leo's number and Leo almost immediately picks up. "What the hell do you want?" "I want to know your answer to my offer. Will you trade your pack for your fiancee?" I call to Leo: "Don't. I'm not worth it. I can handle myself while you keep looking for me." Guy says: "How sweet. But I still need the answer from you Leo. Yes or no?" It stays very silent on the other side of the line, but after a minute or two Leo answers: "No. Rose, I love you and I'll find you." Then he cuts the call. Guy looks me in the eye and says: "Well, we had enough fun for the day. Let's continue tomorrow." 

And with that he stands up and leaves my cell. 

I'm left behind with only one thought: I hope I can handle myself.

Moon Omens (Will be rewritten in the near future)Where stories live. Discover now