Chapter 16: I do!

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- 8 months later

Today I'm finally getting married. And no one is coming between me and saying I do. I've waited 8 months to finally marry him. It took so long because this time we didn't want to rush it or something. We wanted to take our time and make it our dream wedding.

I'm standing in front of the mirror, in a new wedding dress, since Guy ruined the last one. I'm also wearing my mom's necklace, the one she wore on her wedding day. Freya adds the finishing touch to my make up and hair before looking in the mirror and saying: "You look absolutely gorgeous Rose. And I'm certain Leo will think the same when he sees you." I turn around and pull her into a tight hug, saying: "Thank you, Freya." I pull away and straighten my dress. Then Hope enters the room and her mouth falls wide open, it takes her a moment to compose herself before she says: "Your man is waiting downstairs, he wants to talk to you before the wedding. Shall I send him upstairs?" "He can't see me yet, tell him to come upstairs but he has to wait on the other side of the door." I answer. Hope turns on her heel and walks downstairs, Freya follows her and I close the door after them.

After a few minutes I hear someone coming up the stairs and walking up to the door. "Rose?" I hear him saying from the other side of the door. "Hey, what's going on?" "I'm very anxious. I'm afraid something will go wrong and you won't have the wedding of your dreams. The first one already went horribly wrong." I stay quiet for a couple seconds before saying: "Leo. Listen to me. Nothing is going to happen. I'm going to walk down that aisle and I'm going to marry you. I'm gonna marry the love of my life today and nothing is going to stop me. Not Guy, not one of his goons, no one. And even though it isn't perfect, I have you and the whole family there. That's everything I need today." Leo stays quiet for 3 whole minutes. "I love you so much." He says. "I love you too, now get your cute little butt downstairs so we can finally get married." He laughs and says: "Yes ma'am." 

- 1 hour later

I'm walking down the stairs to the backyard. I stop in the kitchen to pick up my bouquet, then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to find Hunter. "Rose," he extends his hand to me, "may I walk you down the aisle? I wish your dad would be here to do it, but if you let me I'd love to walk you down the aisle." I feel tears welling up in my eyes, I hug him very tight while saying: "I'd love to have you walk me down the aisle." I hook my arms into his and we start walking towards the doors. We stop in front of them, waiting for the music to start and people to open the doors. 

The music starts playing, the doors open and Hunter and I starts walking down the aisle. I look up and meet Leo's eyes. He crying. Seeing him cry makes me cry. Hunter and I reach Leo, Hunter places a kiss on my forehead before taking his place next to Freya. Leo takes my hands in his when the officiant starts. 

After 10 minutes Leo starts with his vows: 

"Rose, when I first saw you at that fair, I knew I had to meet you. Your beautiful eyes immediately grabbed my attention when I met them. And then our ride on the Ferris wheel, you looked beautiful in the moon light. And no matter what happened we stayed together. I only regret one thing. Not being able to save you. But I promise you, as long as we stick together, I'll always protect you. I don't care if it costs me my life, I'll stay with you. Till death do us part.

Leo's vows only made me cry harder, and now it's my turn: 

"Leo, for some reason I know meeting you that night wasn't a coincidence. It was fate. You taking me out on a date, making sure everything was perfect. And you immediately took me in when I broke down that night. And you did everything you could when I was taken, you risked your own life to save mine. Even when I told you to let me go, you wouldn't, and I'm actually very glad that you didn't listen to me. Because otherwise I wouldn't be here to tell you how much I love you, to marry you and start a family with you. I look down to my belly while saying it, hoping to show Leo that we already started that part. When Leo notices me looking down he starts to cry even harder. I love you, Leo. Till death do us part."

After we both finished our vows, half of the guests were crying including me and Leo, the officiant says: "Leo James Stewart, do you take Rose Anastasia Wilson as your wife?" "I do" he says while putting the ring on my finger. "Rose Anastasia Wilson, do you take Leo James Stewart to be your husband?" "I do." I say while putting the ring on his finger. "Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may ki--" Leo is already kissing me before he can finish his sentence. It's a fierce and passionate kiss, telling me that he will do anything for him. So I answer his kiss with a fierce one of my own. I hear cheering all around us, when we both pull away to breathe I take his hand and together we walk down the aisle. 

Ready to start our lives together. 

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