Chapter 12: The Ritual

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- Leo's point of view

My dad and I place Rose in the middle of the bed. I place 5 candles around her, each one containing one of the poisonous substances: wolfs bane, mistletoe, mountain ash, belladonna and silver. I connect each candle with the one to it's right with strings.

Everybody takes their places around Rose, one person in front of each candle. I stand at the end of the bed at Rose's feet. I lock eyes with everyone before I start the incantation of the ritual. It's Latin, I think, but I don't understand a word of what I'm saying right now. 

But when I hit the fifth line I feel something blooming inside my chest. It's my life force trying to form a connection with someone that hasn't got any life force left. My life force carefully reaches out to Rose. It stops halfway, not knowing whether to continue because it senses nothing besides death. But it continues when I give it a push by speaking the ninth sentence. It finally reaches Rose and connects with her empty life force "sphere". When I hit the twelfth line I feel my life force draining. It really feels the way you'd think, it feels like the life is leaving your body. I feel faint for a second but regain my composure before anybody notices. I keep chanting the lines and when I speak the twenty-fifth line I almost collapse. My life force almost hit the bottom of the "sphere". I drop to my knees but I keep talking. I'm not gonna stop now, I'm not gonna lose Rose because I'm not strong enough. I hear my mom saying: "Leo, stop you're killing yourself." I hold up my hand to silence her while I keep saying the rest of the lines. Then my eyelids start drooping, I'm very close to losing consciousness. 

Just when I'm about to pass out I feel four hands on my shoulders. Everybody left their assigned spot and is now giving a part of their life force to me, so I can give the rest of mine to Rose. I'm ten lines away from bringing Rose back. I won't stop now. With the extra life force slowly adding to mine I have enough energy to finish the ritual. 

The last line rolls of my tongue. And everything goes quiet. Everybody pulls their hands from my shoulders. My dad pulls me to my feet, but I'm still unstable so he keeps an arm around my waist. 

We wait for five whole minutes when I feel mating bond with Rose grow again. I feel the mind link connecting again, I feel the bite on my thigh aching like we the moment we were bonding. And then I see Rose opening her beautiful blue eyes again. She slowly sits up, and locks eyes with me. I smile when I want to walk towards her, but I start to feel very faint. I try to walk but after one step everything goes black and I slip into the darkness. The last thing I hear is Rose screaming: "LEO!" 


Sorry it was a very short chapter, I just wanted one chapter to be only about the ritual. 

Hope you liked it!

Let me know what you think of the chapter. 

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