Chapter 4: Training

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"Wait, what?"

"You heard me. We are gonna train you, so you get full control over your wolf." Freya says, knowing I'm scared as hell to do it. I haven't let my wolf fully out in 4 years, every time I trained Hope, I only let my heightened senses and my eye color out. Never my full wolf. "You need to fully control your wolf to stoop what you saw in that vision." "Why did I have a vision? I've never had something like this before." I ask. "I think it has something to do with you being a moon wolf. I've heard your mom talk about visions to your dad a couple of times. Maybe that is why she sent me that letter, because she had some sort of vision of them dying." She stops when she sees Hope get uncomfortable. We stay silent for a minute when I hear the front door open. Then somebody calls out: "Anybody home! Your favorite brother and son have returned!" Leo jumps up and runs to the front door, I follow him and when I enter the hallway, I see Leo hug a guy, who I assume is his brother. He pulls away from the hug when he sees me standing at the other end of the hallway, then he says: "And who is this pretty lady?" "That beautiful lady is my mate. So be nice, Sam." Leo says very protectively. "She and her sister are going to stay with us so we can train her." "Why do we need to train her, hasn't she been trained by her parents...?" He stops when he sees mine, Hope's, Leo's and his parents' faces. Hunter asks him: "Do you remember Jess and James, the moon wolf and the former member of our pack?" Sam thinks for a couple of seconds and then I see the realization on his face. The only thing he can bring out is: "Oh...."

Freya exhales and says: "Yes, oh. Next time think before you speak like that. And before you ask, yes, Rose is a moon wolf too, like her mom. But Rose hasn't had the proper training to control her wolf, so we are gonna help her. You too." Sam turns to me and extends his hand: "Sorry, I should have been careful with my words." I take his hand and say: "No apology needed; you couldn't have known."

Hunter clears his throat and says: "Now that is out the way, let's get your first training started."

I quickly change into something more appropriate for training and go to their backyard. Which I might add is huge. I walk over to Leo, Sam, and their dad. Hunter says: "We are gonna take it slow okay? You and your wolf need to find a midway where you are still in charge, but you can fully use your wolf's potential. So, let's start again by showing your true eye color, after that we are slowly going to change until you're fully in your wolf form. All three of us will constantly be here, and you know Leo can always bring you back when things go sideways." I swallow a big lump in my throat and manage to bring out: "Okay, let's do it."

Sam, Leo, and Hunter stand in a circle around me, I'm looking right at Leo. He gives me an encouraging nod which comforts me a bit. Okay, let's do this. I close my eyes and I reach deep inside there I open the cage of my wolf a tiny bit just enough to let my eye color shine through again. I open my eyes and look right into Leo's blue eyes. He gives me another nod. Telling me to go on with releasing my wolf. I open the cage further then I have ever done in the last 4 years. And in some way, it feels good, but it also terrifies me. I keep opening it further and further until it's almost completely open, the only part that can't get out yet is the mind of my wolf. I look at Leo again and his eyes have gone wide open, then I look at myself and see my beautiful white fur. I kinda missed it. And by doing so I lose my concentration on my wolf's cage and it breaks open releasing my wolf's mind. And I can't do anything to stop it.

I wake in the middle of the woods. Lying on the cold ground naked and I don't see anyone. I try to get up, but I can't. That's when I notice the huge trap around my ankle and when I make the slightest movement pain flares through my leg. I scream until I hear movement in the bushes in front of me. I prepare myself to attack when necessary, but then I see Leo poke his head out of the bushes, sighing in relief he says to the people behind him: "I found her, just wait here for a minute." He walks up to me and kisses my forehead before he says: "I'm glad I found you and not some random person." He takes off his jacket and gives it to me, telling me to put it on. "Let's get this thing off you, then we can go home, and you can rest." He turns to the bushes and calls out: "Come on out guys! I need your help." I see Hunter and Sam climb through the bushes but when they see me lying on the floor, with Leo behind me holding me up, with a trap biting into my ankle they are by my side in the blink of an eye. Sam says: "Let's get this thing of." He makes sure Leo holds me steady, and Hunter holds my leg still. Then he grasps the trap on both sides and looks my way to make sure I'm ready. I hurriedly grab Leo's hand and nod to Sam that I'm ready. Then Sam rips the trap apart and I blackout for a second. When I open my eyes, I look into three pairs of eyes, I can't stop myself before I blurt out: "Can I get a bit of space here?" They all look taken aback before they start laughing. After they all stopped laughing Leo says: "Okay, let's get you home. You need to heal." He picks me up in his arms easily and walks towards his house. I wrap my arms around his neck and whisper: "Thank you for finding me."

Then I close my eyes, reach deep inside to make sure the cage of my wolf is closed when I find it completely sealed, I let myself drift away until I fall asleep.

Moon Omens (Will be rewritten in the near future)Where stories live. Discover now