Chapter 13: Hunting

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-Rose's point of view

The first thing I see when I wake up are Leo's eyes locked to mine. And a second later he collapses. I know exactly what he did. He did the ritual I specifically told him not to do. But I'm kinda glad he did. 

I jump of the bed and try run to Leo, but my legs buckle underneath my weight and I drop to the floor. Leo's dad, Hunter, helps me up and helps me get to Leo. I sit next to him and place his head on my lap, I can see his chest slowly rising, he's not dead, thank god. I gently stroke his hair and say: "Why? I told you not to do it. Yet you still did it..." I stay quiet for a minute. "But I just can't hate you for it. Because I know I would've done the same." I kiss his forehead, stand up and walk out on the balcony. I grip the railing so tight my knuckles turn white. And then I scream as loud as I can. 

- 2 hours later

Apparently the Lunar pack has their own infirmary. As soon as I was done screaming, me and Leo were taken there. Leo was hooked to a couple of machines, and two IVs. Someone else looks me over, takes a couple of blood samples and says I can leave whenever I want. Apparently they don't really know what to do with people that came back from the death. 

I walk into Leo's room and I immediately choke up. I have to hold back tears because it should be me in that hospital bed not him. I should've ran faster, I should've taken out Guy on my own. Then something snaps in my mind. I walk out the room. Straight for the control room in the house. And I set every single thing that can find someone, by face, name, voice etc. on Guy. I'm gonna find that motherf***er and he is gonna wish he was never born. I'm gonna rip him limp from limp and I'm gonna do it as slow as possible. Because he has to suffer. For everyone he hurt. Me, Leo, my mom and dad, and all the moon wolfs he killed because of his little obsession with my mom. 

I'm gonna end him once and for all. And no one's going to stop me.

- 1 week later

I haven't got a single clue about where Guy might be hiding. I has been a week, Leo hasn't woken up yet, and I'm slowly falling apart. I want him in my arms again but I can't. I just need him to wake up. 

I run to my bedroom, shut the door and bury my head in a pillow. Crying my eyes out. After a few minutes someone knocks on the door and says: "Rose, it's me Sam. Can I come in?" "Yeah." Sam cautiously opens the door and closes it very softly. He walks up to me, he goes to sit next to me on the bed, he wraps his arm around my shoulder and says: "Just let it out. I'm here for you. Everybody is here for you. Do you want to tell me what happened? You don't have to if you don't want." I wipe away my tears. "No I want to tell you what happened. But first I want to know. How are you even here? I saw the light leave your eyes right before I passed out." He swallows deeply, remembering something very painful, before he says: "I was on the brink of death. But for some reason Hope wasn't very affected by the wolfs bane, and she rushed to me. Pulling the bullets out with he bare hands and stopped the bleeding. She kept her hands on the bullet wounds until my mom and dad woke up and helped her. Then the infirmary staff stitched me up and I was healed within a couple of days." He pauses for a second to catch his breath before he continuous: "We also found out that Hope is in fact half Moon wolf. Not a full blooded one like you, but she has some 'extras' only Moon wolfs have, like the high tolerance for wolfs bane." "Good to know, but I'm sure you want to hear my story now?" "If you want to tell it, please." "Okay, Guy has done things to me, like entering my visions, doing tests on my blood and torturing me." Without noticing I place my hand on my stomach. Sam did notice it and says: "You were pregnant, weren't you?" My hand drops to my side again and I answer: "Yes, I was. But because of the continuing torture I lost it. And I had never felt so empty." I started crying but I laid out the whole story to Sam, from the beginning of the torture, to Hugo's death, and to the end: my death. But before I could them him about my weird experience in the so-called afterlife my phone blows up. I check he screen to see that a couple of my trackers have gone off. 

I jump of the bed and run to the control room with Sam, and eventually Hunter, Hope and Freya, on my heels. I don't even bother sitting down before opening the tracker software. My eyes go wide when I see Guy on the screen in front of some abandoned house at the edge of the city. I send the location to my phone, turn around and walk to the armory. I take Leo's knife, a gun and three bottles of wolfs bane. Then I leave the armory again and march to the front door. I place y hand on the door knob, I want to open the door but someone calls after me. Hope. "What are you gonna do? Please don't leave, Rose. I can't lose you again." She says, trying to stay strong. 

I turn around and say: "You won't lose me. Not again. Not ever, once I finish what I'm about to do." "Which is what?" I turn to the door again, I turn the door knob, I open the door and say: "I'm going to kill Guy, as slow and painful as possible." 

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