Chapter Fourteen. Part Two

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" Have breakfast with us at least," Abdullah said trying to convince Imran. 

" The reason that I came this early, is just so I don't get to meet with your wife," Imran confessed.

" But why? Don't you like her? She is the best thing that ever happened to me man." Abdullah said worriedly. 

" I do and I also know that she is good. That's why you fell in love with her in the first place. The truth is I'm ashamed of the role I played during your fight. I refused to listen to her or help her to meet with you. In fact, I advised you to leave the country, thereby killing every chance of you two making up." Imran said sadly. 

" It's not your fault. You had no idea that she was innocent. You also need not worry because I assure you that Nnadia holds no grudge against you." Abdullah told his friend. 

" Still. I feel so ashamed, I can't meet her like this." Imran said before leaving. 

Upstairs, Nnadia had woken up to find her husband's side of the bed empty. She hated it whenever he woke up first and left the bed. Waking up in his arms is the favorite part of her mornings. She was about to go find him to scold him when he sauntered into the room with a goofy smile on his face. 

" Good morning Wifey," Abdullah said to her charmingly. 

" Good morning, and where have you been?" She asked strictly. Ready to scold him for not giving her the chance to wake up in his arms. 

" Out," Abdullah said casually. " I met this pretty girl along the road and decided to get to know her better." He joked. 

Nnadia didn't reply, she hung her head low and before he knew it, she was crying. Abdullah's heartbeat raced with fear. He rushed over to where she sat on the bed and held both her hands in his. 

" My love. You know that I was only joking right?" He asked worriedly. Gazing at her with eyes that were soft just for her. He wiped her tears with his thumb, kissed her knuckles and then her forehead.

" Joke. So if I go out without your permission, come back later and tell you the same, will you still take it as a joke?" She asked seriously. 

A cold shiver ran down Abdullah's spine at the thought of her cheating on him or admitting that she was flirting with someone else. 

" I'm sorry baby. I didn't even go out, I was downstairs with Imran for some work." He pleaded. She raised her head to look at him and her heart melted. 

" Okay. Please promise me that you won't ever say something like that again. I'm the jealous type you know." Nnadia said to him. 

" I promise," Abdullah replied, smiling once more. 

" Let me freshen up so that we can have breakfast with Imran." She said with excitement. 

" He left, Imran is kind of scared to meet you. He blames himself for making things worse during our fight" He informed her. 

" But that wasn't his fault," Nnadia said quietly. That is one topic she didn't like talking about. 

" Yeah, that's what I told him. Anyways forget about that because I've something for you." He told her. 

" What is it?" Nnadia asked in anticipation. Abdullah didn't reply but walked up to his briefcase, he opened it, brought out an envelope and handed it over to her. She tore it open and squealed. 

" Tickets to Paris for tomorrow. Wow, baby, I wasn't expecting this."

" I asked Hajara about the things you like and she even gave me your bucket list. Traveling to Paris was at the top, so I'm making it happen. Moreover, we missed out on our honeymoon. So let's go make up for it in the city of love." He replied sweetly. 

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