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Brookline, Massachusetts

"God, look at this loser. Hey carrot top, who let you out of your cage? We better call the zoo." said one of a group of menacing boys, pushing a redhead around. His backpack fell on the floor, it was partially open which scattered some of his supplies around.

The lanky redhead replied, raising his eyebrows: "You should be careful with me because I am in fact, a quite rare species."

"Are you a wise ass? What's your name, inbred fuck?" the group leader asked, furious at the redhead's response.

"Batman." the redhead said, without thinking twice.

He saw a blur, and felt terrible pain, which put him out of balance. Good way to start freshman year on high school. He met five people and he was already being punched. He didn't fall and turned to look at the guy again. It was a taller, way stronger guy. He could try to fight, but he wasn't a fighter. All he had were words.

"Your name!" the guy said, veins almost bursting out of his neck. The redhead didn't know why this guy was so furious. After all, he just tried to make a joke out of it.

"Bruce Wayne." he said, regretting almost instantly. Another fist came in his direction, and this time, he was way less prepared. The knuckles of the guy's hands hit him on his lips and nose, making him bite his tongue violently. He fell on his bottom finally. Utterly satisfied, the bully went away.

Unbeknownst to the redhead, a girl was watching it all. She moved closer, holding tightly to her backpack. He was sitting on the dirty sidewalk; blood dripping from the left corner of his lips, staining his blue polo shirt. She presumed he was coming home, after school. He had bright orange strands of hair. He was looking down, cleaning himself up when she got to him.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

He looked up at her, deep blue eyes meeting her gaze. "I've been better."

His voice was a bit nasal and higher pitched than she expected. He had lovely freckles all over his nose, rosy cheeks and a somewhat innocent face. He appeared oblivious at everything that had just happened. He touched the bleeding corner of his lips, looking at the blood on his fingertips. He sighed. She looked at it and wondered what he was thinking.

"What... what's your name?" she stuttered for some reason.

"Conan. I'm Conan."

"Your real name." she giggled.

"No, I'm being serious right now." he said, despite his own giggle. "My name is Conan."

"Really? Like... the Barbarian?"

He seemed bothered for a second, but agreed, nodding. "Yes, like the Barbarian."

"I'm June." she said.

"Like the month?" he asked.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Yes, like the month."

He got up and she helped him to pick his things up. He seemed friendly. "You have a nice accent. Where are you from?"

"Thank you." she felt herself blushing. "I came from... abroad."

He raised his eyebrows. "I never visited the country of Abroad, but I'm sure it's really beautiful. Welcome."

She giggled. "Thanks."

"I've got to go." he said. "My mom is gonna kill me for two reasons. One, I'm late; and two, I bled into my shirt."

"Where do you live?" she instinctively asked. It was a bit nosy, but he didn't mind.

"Five blocks from here." he said. He turned and pointed. "See that house? All mine."

"Oh, I live next to your house, I was going home when I saw..." her voice faded.

He nodded. Both got silent for a couple of seconds.

"You're my new neighbor, and that's great." He smiled. "I think we should go home though, it's getting late."

They walked side by side silently. She looked at him briefly and he had blood on his shirt and she felt uncomfortable, because he could have done something to help, but sadly she thought it wouldn't change his fate. He seemed to notice the look in her eyes and smiled at her, trying to assure her everything was okay.

"Where do you go to school?" he broke the silence.

"Brookline High School." She said.

"Me too!" he replied, way too enthusiastically. "At least I'll have company." He said, in a friendly way.

She couldn't stop looking at him. She was staring at his freckles, lovely freckles everywhere. His skin looked white as snow, but his cheeks looked red and warm. His hair was blowing with the wind as they reached his destination. He didn't seem to notice the prolonged stares she gave him. They finally arrived at their houses; a tiny white wooden fence separated their yards. She showed him her newly acquired house. It was a modest house, not really big compared to his. She thought he was an only child.

"Well" he said. "I have five siblings."


"Yes." He smiled. "You should come over to have dinner with us some time."

"I will." She giggled.

"So... bye!" He turned around to go away, but she had something else to say.



She wasn't sure she should say what she was thinking but it was best to tell him already. She held her backpack tightly one more time. "When they mess with you... just don't reply. They will beat you more."

He appreciated her concern, but couldn't help himself. "I can't let them win."

He lingered a bit, looking at her eyes. She was expecting him to talk more about the incident.

"See you tomorrow." He nodded and left.

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