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Cambridge, Massachusetts

Roxanne was unusual. Or maybe she wasn't, and Conan was the only one who thought she was. He never thought he would end up with a person like her. She had long, dyed blue hair with bangs and piercing green eyes. She looked like trouble, she was trouble indeed. Her dark makeup, her leather jackets and the smell of cigarettes that emanated from her clothes made Conan insanely horny. Just the thought of actually fucking a girl like this sent him to the moon.

He didn't know why, or how, but he caught her attention. They crossed paths one day, and even a little nerd like Conan couldn't just pass on this girl. In no time, they were already making out on the corridors, behind buildings and anywhere they could. Conan loved the possibility that they could be caught one day, and it just made everything more fun. Roxy, as he called her, then wanted to take it to the next level, after two or three weeks. She promised him a night he would never forget. She snuck into his dorm at night, while his roommate was out.

His first time went way better than he expected. His body was pleading to be touched by anyone other than himself. He felt so nervous, but she made everything so easy. She knew where to touch, where to nibble and the way she crawled over him to suck his cock was one of the sexiest things he'd ever experienced. Her hot tongue, her tightness as he fingered her, the sound of her moans, her hands softly exploring him.

He held her close, thrusting into her, holding her thighs, her hands running up and down his stomach, leaving all his nervousness behind, to embrace the feelings and the overwhelming attraction and desire to fuck the shit out of Roxy. Losing his virginity on that tiny dorm bed late at night felt so right. She gave herself to him fully, with so much passion that he was sure that was the best day of his life.

They lied naked side by side for a few minutes, Conan had a big smirk on his face, his cheeks and nose were bright red and his body was sweaty and he felt so deliciously dirty, like he was supposed to. Roxy then got up and started to dress herself pretty quickly, in the dark. Conan looked at her back illuminated by the moonlight coming from the windows. He turned on the lamp of his nightstand, to help her. He then observed as she quietly put her boots on. It did feel a bit unattached, but he understood she had to go before someone knew what was happening.

Roxy turned to him one last time to say goodbye and she saw a picture on his nightstand. She hadn't noticed it before, and it caught her eye, now she could see better. She took it on her hands. It showed Conan smiling, eyes closed. He was side hugging a girl, she looked equally happy and they seemed close. She had long brown hair and she was smiling as him, eyes closed, holding a cappuccino cup on her right hand.

"Who's this?" she asked, still analyzing the picture under the dim light of the lamp.

Conan looked and recognized the frame. "It's June."

Roxy remained silent. "Friend of mine."

Roxy nodded. She put the picture back where it was. She ran her fingers through Conan's hair as he was on his side, and kissed him goodbye. As she left, Conan looked at the picture he had on his drawer. June would live inside a Dunkin' Donuts if they let her. That picture was taken by Kate, the day both Conan and June decided to celebrate their birthdays eating the most unhealthy food they could buy. He smiled at it, forgetting about the rush of blood and adrenaline after having sex for just a second.

That picture was taken the year prior, both Conan and June had birthdays in April, and Conan conveniently called her April for the whole month. She was used to these jokes by that time, and it was such a bad joke that it was funny again. Both couldn't drink, or commit crimes for that matter, so it was the only way they found to celebrate. They had a little party for Conan that and afterwards, the kids went out by themselves, to the nearest place they could find.


Roxy didn't know why Conan chose this picture to frame and put on his nightstand. He never noticed, that day, that Roxy felt a bit bothered by it. She felt weird. He talked about June sometimes. All the time. Roxy didn't know who the girl was, until she had sex with Conan for the first time. That picture showed how close they were. And it wouldn't be a problem if Conan talked about other girls, female friends, but it was just... this one. June this, June that.

This went on for months, and Conan remained oblivious to it. He would drive meet her every month, they exchanged letters and all of it felt so... intimate. She read them once and the way they talked... nothing sexual came out, but they knew each other for years... she shook it off, thinking it was just a bit, maybe a lot of jealousy. The few times they met, the way June called him 'sunshine' and the fact she hung around a little bit too long... it started to bother Roxy way more.

"Conan..." Roxy finally decided to ask. "What's the deal of you and June?"

"What do you mean deal?" Conan said, reading.

Roxy was sitting on his dorm bed, while he was on a chair. "She's my friend."

"You friend seems a little bit touchy for me, don't you think?"

"What do you mean..." Conan was distracted and didn't realize that discussion was about to become serious.

Roxy took the book out of his hands. "She's totally into you, and you seem to like it."

Conan frowned. "She's my friend..."

"She's too friendly... just a bit too much."

Roxy was the total opposite of June. She was three years older than Conan, she was a smoker, a heavy drinker and she knew way more about the world than June could ever and yet... she was fighting for the attention of a nineteen-year-old boy who was probably in love with his high school friend. Roxy tried to put some sense into his head, but for some reason, Conan always dismissed that as being "only a misunderstanding" and that they were "friends" and nothing more. She trusted Conan, but she felt his heart was somewhere else.

"She's in New York, Roxy."

Roxy nodded, and hoped she stayed there forever.

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