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Boston, on way to Cambridge, Massachusetts

"This way, Mr. Cosby!" said the lanky redhead.

Bill Cosby was one of the greatest comedians of all time. He began his work as a stand up comic, and quickly rose to stardom, due to his sharp wit and observational comedy. Now a very popular star, Mr. Cosby was contacted by Harvard, to receive an achievement award for his contributions to entertainment. He arrived at the airport in a private jet, and immediately looked for a limo that would eventually take him to the event. Instead, he met nineteen-year-old Conan O'Brien, gesturing to an old station wagon.

Bill Cosby entered the back of littered car. Within two to three minutes, he noticed a hamburger wrapper over the backseat with him. He showed it to the redhead.

"Oh, don't worry about it, Mr. Cosby. Just throw it away."

Conan felt nervous like never before. Yes, he had lied to Bill Cosby. He had convinced the comedian to come to Harvard to receive an award that didn't exist, and he didn't know what to expect. He drove the twenty minutes from the airport to Harvard, and Cosby was surprisingly nice and funny all the way. Conan hoped he never found out he was going to a fake event, to receive a fake award and completely waste his time.

As they arrived at the Harvard Lampoon, a sea of people were waiting for them. Conan was wearing a tuxedo, as his friends were, to make everything seem believable. He found everything so amusing, because they clearly looked and sounded way too young to host something worth going to. But Bill Cosby once again was very friendly to the audience as Conan presented him, and handed him a bowling trophy. Cosby thanked them for the award and gave a truly funny and entertaining speech.


"Oh no, Conan." June laughed. "You didn't."

"I did." he smiled. "I have pictures."

Conan handed June the newspaper. She giggled at the sight of tall, young O'Brien, next to Bill Cosby, the legend.

"Wow! I mean... what if he finds out?"

"He will, eventually. But I'm hoping he won't... come back here to pursue legal action."

Conan drove five hours from Boston to New York City just to meet June. He was sure he would be yelled at for borrowing his dad's car, but it was worth the yelling. They were sitting side by side on a Starbucks, due to Conan's obsessive love for coffee. June was having hot cocoa as usual. Conan and June started trading letters even living five hours apart. Both were really busy, and at this point, they could see each other only once a month.

"How is uni going, sweet pea?" June asked.

"It's awesome." Conan smiled. "I met someone."

"Oh, nice." June smiled. "I bet you met a lot of new people."

"No, June... I met someone."

June got silent for a moment. "Good for you."

"Her name is Roxy." Conan said. "We started dating last week."

"Nice." June looked down at her cup of hot cocoa. "I'm happy."

June wasn't. She felt weird. She didn't know what that weirdness was. It wasn't right. She didn't think about Conan getting a girlfriend and how it would affect her... but this wasn't about her. This was about Conan and Conan was so happy. So she put up her best smile and smiled at him. But that sour taste of sadness lingered in her mouth. Who was she? Was she good? Was she as good...

"And you, June? How's Fordham treating you?"

"Ah... I'm alright. It's great... my English professor doesn't like me, but it's okay."

"What do you mean?"

"You know, he's the 'I don't like questions, fuck you' kind of guy..." June smiled. "But I'm gonna go through this. Hopefully, he won't be here next semester."

"Are you gonna kill him?" Conan jokingly asked.

"Yes. Will you help?"

"Sure. I rather be at your side than being your enemy." Conan giggled.

June smiled at him, feeling the need to hug him for a bit. She did it, putting her head on his shoulder, and hugging his waist. He smelled so fresh, like he had just shaved. She felt his hand slowly holding her waist, tightly. Conan however realized he was dating now, and after a while, stopped hugging her.

"I have to go, June." he said.

She sat back straight. "Really?"

"Yeah." he smiled sadly. "Roxy is waiting for me."

June nodded, sadly. "I see."

He kissed her on the cheek. "See you, March."

Author's note: Bill Cosby is used as a tool to advance the plot, I don't like him or support him whatsoever.

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