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Cambridge, Massachusetts

"Aren't you coming?" Mrs. O'Brien called. "I hope Conan reminded you!"

"Yeah, yeah. I am. Thanks for inviting me, ma'am."

June didn't know if going to Conan's commencement was a good idea. He was with Lindsey the last time they talked, and he looked miserable. She had that power over him, and June knew how uncomfortable it would feel being there with Lindsey hovering over Conan and giving her dirty looks, as it has happened before.

Now Mrs. O'Brien called. She was personally asking June to be there for her son, and it was really difficult to say no. June couldn't just skip it, as she was reminded she was family and the whole family would be there. She sighed and dragged herself to the bathroom to take a shower. She didn't know what to do with her hair, or what to wear, she hadn't thought of it, but she decided just to improvise. She left the shower in a hurry, she washed her hair and now it was messy, wavy and wet. That would have to do.

She looked for a black cocktail dress, and ballet pumps. Better than heels, and more comfortable. She was hoping her hair would curl naturally and that would be a nice look. She looked for a pair of pressure earrings, probably the only woman in the world who didn't have her ears pierced. She preferred not to, earrings were just for special events. Her makeup was light, except for the bright red lipstick.

As June got ready, she heard a knock on her door. It was Luke, offering her a ride. She had no idea how she would make it in time, she was on her apartment, and it would take at least forty minutes to get to Harvard. She forgot to tell them she didn't have a ride, but luckily Luke assumed it, and he drove them there. The whole family was waiting for them, Conan's parents and his siblings. No sight of Lindsey. June thought it was strange, but she was relieved.

"Where is he?" June asked, as they sat way back on the Old Yard, glancing at a sea of caps and gowns in front of them.

"I don't know..." Kate whispered. "Somewhere."

Conan was graduating with honors from Harvard. His parents were proud, and so was June. The troubles Conan had during his thesis and the state he was in while writing, he put so much effort in everything he did he was the president of the Harvard Lampoon for two terms, and he was loved by his professors... and the librarians. He would go in, singing to the book checker while returning his books. His friends got used to his happy-go-lucky personality. He was a young funny man, always good spirited, but never lazy with his academic duties.

June felt warm inside as she heard Conan's full name being called, the moment he waited for four years had arrived. She also thought about the possibility of Conan going away forever, and she knew she had to tell him. She observed at he went back to his seat, did he even know she was there? She had to wait for the whole ceremony, with that doubt and as the caps flew to the air, at the end of it all, she ran to him. She was thankful she wasn't wearing heels that day.

Conan was standing and greeting his friends, his graduation cap back on his head. He hugged a couple of them before feeling a warm, soft touch on his left shoulder. It was June. She pushed him back to his seat gently and his knees gave out as his sky blue eyes stared at her, so beautiful. As he was sitting there, confused and amazed, she kissed him, softly. As their lips touched, Conan closed his eyes, pressing his lips against hers, lightly.

She whispered at him, and even though he could barely hear her, he understood everything.

"I love you."

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