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"I got the impression that you don't like dancing." June purred as she guided both of them to her bedroom. She had her back facing the door.

"Not as much as what we're gonna do next." he smirked, faces right next to each other.

    June took off her heels, as Conan twisted the doorknob to let them in. The door opened slowly as Conan walked her to the bed, with their lips locked, his hands sitting on her lower back. Conan fumbled around the wall to find the light switch, and turned the light on. June's hands were caressing his chest, going up and down, his smell invading her, the sweet taste of his lips giving her goosebumps of pleasure. He was such a fine kisser, his lips felt like velvet against hers. She moved her hands up his hair. As her fingertips touched the back of his neck, he felt as if electricity was traveling from his neck, down his torso, right to his crotch. She stopped.

"What...?" he asked, breathless.

She smiled. "Don't move."

Conan observed as June pulled down and undid his bowtie, gently letting it fall to the floor.

"I always wanted to see you naked." she whispered. 

    June slid down his jacket, to the floor again. Her mouth went to his neck as she unbuttoned his shirt, so slowly it was killing him inside. Her tongue danced around the soft skin of his neck as she took his shirt off, down to now a pile of clothes. She ran her hand up and down his hairy chest, feeling his pounding heart and his chest going up and down due to his heavy breathing. Conan slowly took his shoes and socks off with the help of his own feet and one free hand. His right hand was on her hair, and he brought her close for a kiss again, he would never be tired of tasting her sweet honey lips.

    Both of her hands traveled down his stomach, to his belt. She slowly undid it, and cupped his balls and his cock gently, massaging them. Conan let out a low moan and it made her smile against his lips. He stripped down to his underwear himself. She kneeled in front of him and teased him by touching his shaft and licking his balls with his black briefs still on. He could feel the wetness of her mouth through the fabric, and he got progressively harder. His hands went to the top of her head, feeling her scalp and her soft, curly hair.

    Then, she finally took his underwear off. She touched his shaft, feeling all the veins and creases of his pink cock, her mouth watering to suck him dry. She took him in slowly, first circling her tongue around the tip and then taking all of his shaft. He was so much bigger than she thought. Her nose brushed gently against the generous amount of red pubes he had. He tasted great and June felt her nipples getting harder as the head of his cock reached closer and closer to the back of her throat.

     Conan wailed and gasped, gripping her hair a bit tighter, guiding her, his hips bucking forward as he fucked her mouth. He had forgotten how much he loved a good blowjob. He felt his legs getting weaker as June's lovely warm mouth took his cock all the way in. Conan slowly stopped her, bringing her back to her feet, walking her to bed. He laid her down gently and crawled over her, eyes full of hunger and lust. She took a good look at his freckles, lovely freckles everywhere on his body, his shoulders and neck, like little stars on a clear sky.

"My turn." he whispers right next to her lips, pleasant heat coming from his body.

    He fumbles around her for a bit, they both chuckled as he finds the zipper to her dress on her right side. He slid the dress down, slowly revealing her breasts, her stomach and her soaking wet panties. He pressed himself on her, kissing her and nibbling her lower lip as she felt his fully erect cock rubbing against her wetness. He went down to her neck, her collarbones, tracing a path of pleasure with his warm tongue. She caressed his scalp and held him close as he moved to her breasts, his tongue dancing around her hard nipples, and audibly sucking on them. 

    June gasped, her hands on Conan's hair while he did his magic. He kissed and nibbled her, down to her panties. She felt goosebumps as he took them off, slowly. He kissed both of her thighs, and she felt tingles. She loved the sensation of his strong hands grabbing her tight. He touched her sensitive clit. She was so deliciously wet. Conan tasted her wetness, his tongue tasting her lips as his thumb played with her clit. She whimpered and he watched as her hands went from the mattress to his hair again. His pompadour was now gone, and now he had messy bangs like he used to.

    Her legs started moving, so he decided to open and hold her thighs with his two hands, and he sucked her clit to the point she started bucking up her hips to meet his mouth. Her moans now became louder and the urgency could be heard on her voice. She looked at her lover, all flushed, watching her with lusty eyes as he ate her up. She curled her toes and rolled her eyes, she was close and Conan could feel it, so he stopped, licking the sweet taste of her from his own lips.

He crawled to her. "Conan?"

"Hm?" he looked so handsome, his red lips... so attractive.

"I've never done this before..."

"It's okay..." he assured her. "I'll go slow."

    He rubbed his cock against her pussy, coating it in her wetness. She smiled as she felt how hard he was. Conan felt like he would explode soon. He put his tip right on the entrance. She held his shoulders to bring her close. He was drenched in pleasure. His cock was pleading for it.

"Just look at me, honey." he whispered, right next to her face. "Look at me."

    He kissed her, deeply. He pushed the tip in, as slowly as he could, and June felt herself stretch. He filled her in as she whimpered against his mouth. God, he was big. She gasped as he went all the way in. She could feel every crease of his cock inside her. Conan whimpered as he penetrated her, she was so wet and tight it was a miracle he didn't come right away.

"Are you okay?" he asked, breathing heavily.

"Yeah." she whispered. 

    He started thrusting into her, carefully. It was delicious, even as slow as it was. He felt her walls tighten against his now painfully sensitive cock. She took his cock in, kissing him, nibbling him, tugging his hair gently. She reached down to his balls and started massaging them. Her soft hands were too much for him.

"Come inside me" she whispered against his lips.

"I... I can't..." he moaned. "I don't have... a condom on."

"Pill." she simply said. "Come for me, Conan. Please."

"Fuck!" he wailed. "Oh, God!"

    He couldn't hold it anymore. He came, his hands gripping hard into her hips, his knees giving out a bit. He hadn't come like that in ages. He cried as June felt herself being filled with his warm cum. He pulled out gently, and went right into sucking her dripping pussy. She also didn't last long on his mouth and moaned loudly. Conan smiled against her as she reached her climax. He crawled to her face and gave her two sticky kisses on her cheeks as she laughed, before laying on his side, with a wide smile on his face.

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