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Boston, Massachusetts

June left her mom's house early the next morning. She tried her best to explain the yelling to her mother, who heard a bit of the conversation. She didn't tell her mom she had feelings for Conan. It was something that she didn't want to admit to herself. His eyes, his soft lips. She certainly left before Conan woke up. She didn't want to run into him. Not for a while. She got back to her apartment, near the university. It would be a good place to live...alone.

Her place was a mess, and she tried to clear her mind by organizing it and getting the dust off of her books. She had too many books and as much as her mom wanted her back home, she also thanked God that June moved, and that she had space to put her books in order. She read a ton lot of fiction; she had horror books, science fiction books. She lived elsewhere, like her family used to say. And Conan was part of her world of fantasy.

She shook her head, and tried not to think about him. She didn't clean her shelves in months. She could give some books away. But she always smiled at them, like they were her siblings or kids. She looked at her VHS tapes as well. How many could someone have? She had to stop purchasing so many movies. But she would never sell her Star Trek ones, no. Rental was always an option and she couldn't wait for more Indiana Jones movies... if George Lucas decided to make some more.

June cleaned up her vinyl shelf. And thanked God for CDs. How many could she... but she didn't want to think about that again. She stopped buying vinyl records to start buying CDs and now, the CDs were occupying more space than the huge vinyl discs. She giggled. Unfortunately for her, Elton John just kept releasing new music in a short period of time, and she always ended up buying way more copies of his albums than was proud of. She would have this argument with basically everything she had. Next would be the clothes, some of which she wouldn't want to get rid of.

Of course, she found some of Conan's CDs there. He was so mellow. He knew she was an Elvis person, and he tried to convince her to like the Beatles... to no avail. He borrowed her Let It Be, and she wanted to be polite and she said she would try and listen to it, but she never did. She didn't want to lie to his face, so next time they talked; she would give it back, saying it wasn't her kind...

Here she was, thinking about him again. She frowned and stopped everything to find something to eat. Maybe eating would make her feel better. While she walked around her apartment, she turned backwards every framed picture he was in, ten pictures at least. In two hours trying to get rid of the thoughts of him, she had failed miserably. She sat and made herself instant noodles. Yes, she wasn't that great of a cook. She ate them, trying not to think about how much Conan loved to...

"Oh, God!" she shouted at her empty house. She just wanted to stop thinking about him. For one minute, one goddamn minute.

She finished her meal rather quickly, thinking about the mess she would find inside her wardrobe. She had many shoes and clothes she didn't wear and giving them to the Goodwill would be a nice gesture, a thing she always thought about but never really had time to do. But there was no way she would get rid of the dresses.

She entered her room to be greeted by a picture with Conan, glued to the mirror, one that she had taken roughly six years prior, on Halloween. She still had that dress. As she opened the wardrobe door, she thought about the previous day kiss again and again and his embrace, wishing that she wasn't so desperate to feel him again. June locked herself in her apartment on hopes that being away would keep Conan away. But he was there, in her mind... and in her family pictures.

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