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Brookline, Massachusetts

"So that's what you came to do with her?"

Lindsey was furious, like Conan had never seen before. Her blue eyes were burning with anger and her face was red. She walked towards June, who stood there scared after stepping away from Conan. June actually knew what she did was wrong, but there was also no way she could refuse his sweet eyes, soft lips. Now, it seemed that her differences with Lindsey couldn't be avoided.

"Stay away from him!" Lindsey said, threateningly.

"Or else?" June stepped forward. Conan raised his eyebrows, surprised at June.

"Hey, hey." He said, getting in their way, facing his girlfriend. "No need for this."

"Why are you defending her?" Lindsey said, a bit too loud.

"Will you stay quiet?" Conan frowned at her. "I'm not defending anybody. I don't want a scene on the middle of the street."

"Then why were you cheating on me?" Lindsey frowned at him, speaking at a lower tone this time.

Conan sighed. He knew he had a girlfriend when he went out with June. He wasn't going to kiss her, it wasn't planned. It was unexpected, a feeling that he couldn't explain, buried inside his heart. When he saw June that close, he forgot about everything and he just went with it, a magnetic attraction that he never felt before. Someone who understood him. Someone so sweet that it was unfair...

But he had to take responsibility for his acts. "I'm sorry, Lee. This shouldn't have happened. It was a mistake. I'm sorry."

"I came here to say I changed my mind about California... and I didn't know I would find you kissing another woman." Lindsey said, disappointed.

Now, the one who was hurt was June. She felt useless. She looked at his back, soft hair, still facing Lindsey. Before Conan could direct any word to her, she silently walked away, back to her mother's house. She thought how much better her night have would've been if she hadn't left home that night. A mistake, he said. At least now, he would make the right decision. He would leave to never come back, hopefully.

Conan hugged Lindsey, reassuring her that he was sorry for what he'd done. They remained hugged for a while until he opened his eyes and looked for June, who was already long gone at this point. He looked at her house; the light of her bedroom was on. He sighed and got back to face Lindsey, who was still hugging him and didn't notice him looking at his neighbor's house.


Lindsey stayed for a bit and talked to Conan about her change, and he was really happy about it. She explained that starting a new life in other city would be great and she could go to try modeling or even teaching, if she needed. Conan was too happy with the sudden change, he smiled and kissed her multiple times as she giggled and messed his hair. She went home a bit after midnight and Conan decided to stay over in his own bedroom, still neatly cleaned.

After lying down for a while, his bed too small to fit him, he opened his curtains and stared at June's room. Her light was off. She could be sleeping already. But he still wanted to check on her, like old times. His window was large enough to go through it and he took the same path June used to take when she came to his window. He knocked on the glass. June turned on the light and opened the window.

"What do you want?" she asked. She was serious this time. He noticed her messy hair; reddish nose and swollen eyes. He didn't need to ask what had happened.

"I didn't mean to make you cry." He said. She blinked twice and nodded.

"You said I was a mistake." Her voice faded.

"Not you... the kiss." He said softly. She didn't seem to be moved.

"Anything else?" She barely looked at him.

"I never knew you had such strong feelings..." he wanted to take her in his arms again, but he knew he couldn't.

"Get the fuck out of my lawn, Conan." She said.

"Please don't..."

"Just go to LA and leave me alone." She choked.

"I'm not going...

"Go away!" she shouted at him, and quickly shut the window as the tears she tried to hold back streamed down her face.

He stared as she turned her light off and pulled the curtains. He stood there, in the cold, thinking of how stupid he was and that he couldn't make his mind. If she told him, if she had ever told him. He couldn't possibly know. But he had Lindsey, he did. But June, sweet June. He hated this doubt. Why did he have to say "mistake"? He didn't mean June was a mistake. She was the most adorable...

He decided not to question that mess any further. He needed a good night of sleep. He crawled back to where he came and laid down on his bed. He let his curtains open this time. He looked at her window and for the first time in years, he hoped that she would come and "invade" his room once more. He was in fact, unconsciously lying on the side of the bed he used to sleep when she came over.

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